Chapter XV

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Weeks passed since Y/N's birthday. The Final Selection was just around the corner, and Y/N, Sabito, and Giyu had been training relentlessly to prepare themselves.

Y/N had made significant progress, mastering the first three forms of both Water and Thunder Breathing. However, he faced the ever-present challenge of combining the two breathing styles seamlessly.

Makomo watched over Y/N's training with a warm smile.

"Concentrate, Y/N," she urged, her voice filled with excitement. "Use Water Breathing First Form: Water Surface Slash."

Y/N nodded, closing his eyes for a moment as he envisioned his blade transforming into water, fluid and graceful. He took a deep breath, focusing on maintaining his concentration.

Makomo's instructions continued, "Now, add Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!"

Y/N complied, picturing lightning crackling around him as he prepared to strike. He swung his sword with incredible speed, determined to make this attempt count. But just as his blade made contact with the tree, something went wrong.

He felt a strange sensation as his sword hit the wood, his body vibrating from the powerful impact. In that moment, he realized he had lost his concentration, and his attack had devolved into a miserable, ordinary swing.

He couldn't help but express his anger to Makomo. "It's the fourth time this week," he muttered bitterly.

Makomo, always friendly and understanding, offered a comforting smile. "You almost got it, Y/N," she reassured him. "We'll keep practicing until you can master the combination. You're making great progress."

Y/N's exhaustion was taking its toll as he continued to make repeated attempts to combine Water and Thunder Breathing techniques to cut down the massive tree. The pressure of the approaching Final Selection pushed him to the brink of physical and mental fatigue.

Seeing Makomo on the ground, nearly passed out from exhaustion herself, he felt both guilt and gratitude. She had been there with him all night, supporting him in his training, refusing to leave until the tree was cut down.

His voice was strained now, "Makomo, you should go. You've done more than enough. I can't ask you to stay any longer. I need to do this on my own."

"We're in this together. We'll keep trying until you succeed. Don't worry about me." She managed a faint smile, her words barely audible.

Y/N took a deep breath and stepped up to the tree once more, focusing all his energy on the combined Breathing techniques. His muscles ached, vision tired, but he knew he couldn't give up. Not now. Not with Makomo's faith in him.

As Y/N unleashed his attack, something different happened. He focused all his energy on the combined Water and Thunder Breathing techniques, envisioning his blade as water and himself surrounded by lightning. The world around him blurred as he charged forward, slashing at the massive tree.

However, at this moment, he no longer felt the resistance of his swing meeting the tree. He didn't sense the collision of his sword against the tough wood. Instead, he felt weightless, as if he was floating.

As the sound of his attack echoed in the air, he slowly lowered his sword, still unable to see clearly. He took a deep breath, feeling an inexplicable sense of accomplishment. It's as if he had achieved a perfect synchronization of his Breathing techniques.

Then, he heard Makomo gasping.


And that's when he snapped back to reality. His eyes refocused, and he looked at the tree. To his astonishment, it was not just cut down; it had been sliced perfectly in half.

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