Chapter LX

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The story's arc ends here! We have a long chapter and one of the most... intense so far (and there's not even a fight involved!)

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 "Thank you for having me here, Tengen."

Tengen was dressed in his demon slayer uniform and he let his hair fall free, giving him a more relaxed appearance in the absence of his usual bandana.

"It's great you can eat and drink again. Let's have a toast!" Tengen declared with a wide smile as he poured sake into his cup "To the flamboyant Shinazugawa Y/N, soon to be Hashira!"

Their cups clicked in a toast, and they both downed their sake in one go. The sake was exceptionally good, its smooth and rich flavor indicative of its quality.

"So, Y/N, what brings you to me today? Seeking advice from the Sound Hashira must be something significant."

Y/N hummed thoughtfully, swirling his finger around the rim of his sake cup. "Oh, well, not advice exactly. I was... curious." He paused,. "The other day, when I was out visiting a mentor, I saw a man and a woman together. They were quite interesting, you know?"

Tengen leaned in with interest. "Were they hot?" he asked.

Y/N laughed at the question. "The girl was, definitely. The guy, though, was missing bits of his body," he said, subtly referring to himself and Kanae but framing it as if talking about others.

Tengen chuckled. "Sweet! You could have snatched her away from the guy, you know?"

" I couldn't help but compare them to you and your girls."

Tengen burst into laughter, clearly amused by the comparison. "You're calling me ugly like that boy then, Y/N?"

"No, no, not at all," Y/N quickly clarified, joining in the laughter. "It's just... your relationships with your wives. They seem so united, so strong. I was wondering how you manage that, especially in our line of work."

Tengen's expression softened, a hint of seriousness mingling with his usual flamboyant demeanor. "Ah, I see. It's about balance. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it."

Y/N asked, "How do you manage... being married and having three wives?"

Tengen refilled both their cups with sake, "There are days I wonder the same thing." He then offered a straightforward explanation. "It's about communication, Y/N. We talk a lot, about everything. Each of my wives is different, with her own needs and personality. I make sure to spend individual time with each of them, understanding them, and showing them they're valued. It's about mutual respect and love."

Y/N listened, but his thoughts seemed elsewhere. He sounded deflated as he said, "That sounds so easy..." His mind was on Kanae, their recent arguments, and his mood swings that always seemed to disrupt their happy moments.

Tengen noticed the change in Y/N's demeanor. "Why do you look so down?"

Y/N quickly masked his concerns with a lie. "Just thinking about how it would be to try courtship with someone."

Tengen's grin widened. "Well, I must offer, as always, we would welcome you into our family with open arms and we can jump the whole courtship thing. You and I would be the best friends, brothers in arms, confidants, and co-husbands to our girls!"

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