Chapter LIX

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Very long chapter, take your time to read lovely people.

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜


Y/N's POV.

Dear Tanjuro-san,

It's been quite some time since I visited, and I must apologize for the silence on my end. The months have gone by, and it seems like only yesterday we saw each other.

Currently, life here has been a mix of sorts. There have been challenging times, but also moments of incredible joy that have taken me by surprise.

I often think of you, your wife and your children, I'm curious to hear how everyone is doing. The days have been busy, but the thought of your family often brings happiness. How have you all been holding up? Any new stories to share? I'd love to hear about them.

Please forgive my lack of correspondence over these past months. But know that you've been in my thoughts.

Take care and do write back when you have the chance. I look forward to catching up and hopefully seeing you all again soon.

Best regards,



"Y/N, becoming a Hashira is a responsibility that requires you to be at your best, physically and mentally. While your progress is commendable, being 'almost cured' is not the same as being fully healed."

Y/N sat there, his head still bowed, He knew that Kagaya was right, but his eagerness to move forward was hard to contain.

"Kagaya-sama, I understand your concern," Y/N finally spoke, "But I assure you, I am more than capable of fulfilling my duties as a Hashira. The progress I've made is important, and I'm committed to continuing my recovery."

Kagaya studied Y/N thoughtfully, "The role of a Hashira is demanding, and we cannot overlook any risks that might affect your well-being or the safety of others."

There was a pause as Kagaya seemed to weigh his decision. "Let us compromise," he said. "We will plan for your Hashira ceremony, but it will take place only after we have full confirmation of your recovery. In the meantime, continue with your treatment. Your health is our priority."

"I'm happy you look...relieved...and..overjoyed that Kanae was only injured, my child." Kagaya gave him a knowing smile.

Y/N nodded slowly, choosing not to give away a reaction, "She scared us all."

Kagaya watched Y/N carefully, noting his careful choice of words and lack of reaction to his teasing about Kanae. "Yes, I'm sure she did scare everyone. I have been praying for her full recovery, though I doubt it's necessary with Shinobu and you at her side," he said with a warm smile.

Y/N nodded in agreement, maintaining a neutral expression. He appreciated Kagaya's concern but chose to remain composed.

Sensing that he wasn't going to get a rise out of Y/N with his earlier comments, Kagaya shifted the topic. "Speaking of Hashira working together, I am considering approving joint missions. While I realize there's a risk in sending two Hashira to the same location and limiting their availability elsewhere, I believe prioritizing your safety is crucial."

Y/N furrowed his brow slightly. "Is that really wise, Kagaya-sama? I don't mean to be rude, but..."

Kagaya interrupted with a smile. "My father used to say, 'Everything before 'but' loses its meaning.'"

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