Chapter X

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⚠️❗Content Warning: This chapter contains graphic violence that may be disturbing to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. (Who am I kidding this is tame compared to what you've all read) ❗⚠️


As Y/N emerged from his bath, wrapped in one of Kaito-san's kimonos, he felt a sense of warmth and comfort he hadn't experienced in a long time. The unfamiliar but pleasant scent of the soap and the softness of the fabric against his skin were a welcome change for sure.

When he entered the room where the Kocho family was waiting for him, their warm and welcoming smiles greeted him. Kaito-san nodded in approval, and Setsuna-san offered him a gentle smile.

But it was the reaction of Kanae and Shinobu that caught his attention. Both girls were blushing slightly, and Kanae couldn't help but giggle. Shinobu, on the other hand, seemed to be blatantly staring at him, a look of curiosity and fascination in her eyes. He couldn't say.

Setsuna-san noticed her daughters' behavior and gave them a disapproving look. They quickly averted their gazes, realizing that their staring might be making Y/N uncomfortable.

Y/N, still not entirely used to this warmth and kindness, cleared his throat and offered a slightly awkward smile. It was clear that he was not accustomed to such hospitality, but he appreciated it nonetheless.

Kaito motioned for Y/N to sit, and he complied, taking a seat in front of the man. Setsuna sat to his left, and the two girls, Kanae and Shinobu, to his right.

Setsuna offered Y/N a warm compliment, her words soothing. "You look absolutely wonderful," she said, her smile genuine. "That kimono matches with your eyes and hair perfectly."

Kanae compared his eyes to something she found beautiful. "Your eyes are very pretty! Shinazugawa-Kun," she said, clearly meant as a compliment.

Shinobu, on the other hand, seemed a bit puzzled by the attention on his eyes, "What's the deal with his eyes? Nee-san and I have purple eyes too."

The room was filled with their voices, and Y/N shifted uncomfortably in his seat, memories of Doma's twisted admiration for his eyes resurfacing.

Kaito, clearly fatigued from the day's events, decided not to scold Shinobu for her bluntness.He let out a sigh and began to explain, "Well, Shinobu, purple eyes are quite uncommon, which is why they're appreciated. And on top of that, Y/N's white hair is even rarer, as if..." He paused for a moment, considering his words carefully before continuing, "As if he was blessed and destined for great things."

Setsuna was quick to agree with her husband, "Yes, it's like a divine blessing, dear." She told Shinobu.

Y/N caught up in his own feelings of self-deprecation, began to speak in a rant of self-loathing. His words flowed out without restraint.

"I appreciate your kind words, but really, you have no idea. I've done things I'm not proud of in my life. I've hurt people, and I've let people down. I've failed more times than I can count... So, believe me, there's nothing special about me, other than being a failure,"

Shinobu was the first to recover from their stunned silence letting out a snort, "Dramatic."

Kanae, rather than disagreeing, simply nodded, "Yes, you are too hard on yourself and awfully pessimistic, Shinazugawa-kun."

Setsuna-San, asked the next question, "While I don't doubt you had to deal with difficult moments, I've been wondering since you arrived, why do you carry a katana with you?"

Shinobu replied for him, "He uses it as chopsticks, Mom." She said, remembering his explanation from earlier.

Kaito smiled weakly and affectionately ruffled his daughter's hair but waited for Y/N to provide a more serious answer.

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