Chapter LXXXII

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Inosuke hugged her right away" There, there," Kanae soothed, her voice gentle, a chuckle escaping her lips as she comforted him.

"I left to find the God Of War! And you! But... I couldn't find either of you," he admitted.

Kanae turned her attention to Inosuke's explanation, her expression softening. "I told all of you I would go find him... I should have known you would disobey," she said with reprimand and affection.

Zenitsu felt left out and spoke with a hint of jealousy, "Why only he gets hugs but not me!"

Tanjiro tried to apologize for Zenitsu's outburst, but Kanae was already ahead of him. With a step forward, she pat Zenitsu's head, offering a sweet smile. "I'm sorry, but Inosuke and I have known each other for a long time. But would a headpat suffice?"

Zenitsu overwhelmed by the attention from such a stunning figure turned a deep shade of red and promptly fainted. Kanae looked down at him with concern only to hear Inosuke assure her, "Monitsu is fine."

Tanjiro carried him over his shoulder, "Actually... he is very good at fighting when sleeping... not... so much when he's awake."

With a curious tilt of her head, Kanae accepted this odd piece of information, "Come along, boys, we have a lot to do," she said, leading them into the heart of the entertainment district.


Entering a brothel, Kanae approached the owner with a warm greeting, "Hello!"

The middle-aged woman behind the counter scrutinized Kanae, her gaze sharp. "Are you here for girls? Or... perhaps looking for work?" she asked with interest.

The casual disrespect and assumptions made by the woman angered Tanjiro.

The brothel owner's appraisal of Kanae continued, her eyes sizing up the former Hashira with admiration and opportunism. "You're gorgeous, dear. With those looks, you could only be available for the royal family themselves," she remarked with a sly grin.

Her gaze shifted to Tanjiro, Inosuke, and the still-sleeping Zenitsu. "Although... I'm not too sure about them, we have working boys, sure, but them... well, we have kabuki actors, so they can... pass up as ones..."

Kanae gently declined the insinuation. "No, thank you. These three are under my care, and I'm spoken for. He'd kill me if he found out," she joked.

The brothel owner chuckled, "Well, don't let that stop you, dear. I have girls here who are married. Everything to support their families... could be our secret."

Kanae's smile didn't leave, but her refusal was firm. "No, thank you. Money is not an issue for us. I wanted a room, please, so we are not bothered. I have things I wish to discuss in private."

Acknowledging Kanae's request, the owner nodded. "Of course, we have a free room. Do you wish for company or..." she insinuated, leaving the offer open.

Kanae's response was clear and polite. "No, thank you," she repeated.

With a wave of her hand, the brothel owner summoned a girl who approached with a bright, cheerful demeanor. "Please follow me," she said, leading the way.

Inside the room, Tanjiro's expression contorted in discomfort at the room's smells. "Ugh," he gagged, unable to hide his disgust.

"What's wrong, Tanjiro-kun?"

He scrunched up his face, "Smells like... ugh... covered by perfume... and blood." He shuddered, clearly disturbed by the mix of scents, including other bodily fluids.

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