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3rd Person's POV

Shinobu watched in disbelief as Y/N, defying all medical expectations, forced himself upright. His actions were clearly driven by a deep, primal concern for his brother. The news of Sanemi's danger had pierced through his unconscious state and spurred him into action.

As Y/N stood, his voice was cold, almost detached, a tone Shinobu had never heard from him before. "Where is.... mission? Sanemi... Kumeno... where?" he managed to ask, his voice strained and weak.

Shinobu felt a surge of guilt. Her experimental medicine, particularly the adrenaline-like compound, had probably triggered this premature awakening. She realized that she might have inadvertently escalated an already dangerous situation.

"Y/N, you need to rest," But her words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Ignoring the pain and the limitations of his injured body, Y/N stood up, bending at the knees and hunching over. Even in this state, he exuded an intimidating presence.

Shinobu knew she had to handle this delicately. Y/N was not in a state to be reasoned with logically. His concern for his brother had overridden everything else, including his own well-being.

She stepped closer, trying to find a way to calm him down without aggravating his injuries further. "Y/N, please," she implored, "You're not in any condition to go anywhere. We're doing everything we can to find Sanemi-san and Kumeno-san. But right now, you need to focus on healing."

Y/N stubbornly continued his effort to leave, Shinobu's desperation grew. She attempted to physically stop his progress, but even in his weakened state, Y/N overpowered her. Fearing for his safety, Shinobu made a split-second decision that she immediately regretted.

As he continued walking. In a panic, she injected Y/N with another vial from her pocket. As soon as the contents entered his system, his body reacted violently. Y/N stumbled to his knee, his body convulsing slightly as the experimental compound took effect. Shinobu's heart sank as she realized her mistake. This particular vial contained a highly experimental substance she had been developing, one that was supposed to stimulate rapid cellular regeneration but had unpredictable side effects.

Y/N's reaction was alarming. His breathing became erratic, and his already pale complexion grew ashen. It was clear that his body was struggling to cope with the sudden effects of the powerful drug, which was likely putting immense strain on his already weakened system.

Shinobu was horrified at what she had done. Tears welled up in her eyes as she repeatedly apologized.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" trying to think of a way to counteract the effects of the injection. She knew this compound was a gamble, one she had never intended to use in such a critical situation.

He pushed Shinobu aside gently but with a firmness that left no room for argument.

Shinobu watched helplessly as Y/N, limping and struggling, continued to move forward. It was evident that nothing short of complete physical incapacitation would stop him.

As Y/N stood up again, Shinobu was astonished by his ability to act so swiftly and effectively. In one fluid motion, he secured her to the bedpost with a blanket tied around her arms and torso, rendering her immobile. Her skills as a slayer seemed useless against his surprising strength and speed.

Frustrated and embarrassed, Shinobu threw a series of sharp insults at him. "You complete moron! What are you thinking? You're going to kill yourself! Get back in bed, you idiot!"

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