Setting Boundaries

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May 2015

Jay Park was at the AOMG building with his dance crew as he got prepared for arguably his biggest comeback. Even though he was promoting full time for BigBang, he still wanted to give his fans, the Jaywalkerz what they love. Some abs and booty shaking action.

Even though he was a dude, he wasn't ashamed to throw it back especially towards pretty girls. For some of the girls it was a bit too much, even CL had to wash her eyes after witnessing it.

For Hyuna it turned her on seeing her man throw it back. During sex nights Jay would sit on her lip doing some kind of lap dance to get her off. Jay was different animal in bed for if you didn't be careful he leaves you more just bite marks and cream stains

"And that's it!! We're donzo today ladies. Y'all did great!" Jay turned off the music as he went to cool himself.

The AOMG crew were all exhausted from the nonstop dancing they've done.

"I appreciate you accepting us African Women here. To be honest we were not expecting to be treated well. You know how difficult it is moving to different country where people have a lighter skin color." Said a South African dancer in English. Her skin color was a beautiful shade of chocolate. Her hair was tied into two braids that went below her neck.

It is true that people of African heritage have it very hard when moving to Korea. When majority of the people have a completey lighter time of skin they stick out like a sore thumb. Now Jay was a lover for all skin colors including black. He wanted his dance crew to feel comfortable and confident in their own skins. That's why it's a prejudice free zone.

"Don't thank me ladies, I just love working with people. In here you won't be judged by the color of your skin. You're beautiful the way you are. There's something about African women that leaves me memorized by their beauty."

"We wish you best Mr. Park. Perhaps I should bring in Jollof rice and chicken so you can try." A Nigerian dancer said with enthusiasm. Her skin was even darker and wore a headwrap around her head.

"I would love that mam, please do! I am open to try other culture's cuisines!" Jay enjoyed trying new food from other cultures.

"That was amazing!" Lalisa sat down to get some water.

"Tell me about, this comeback is going to be quite outstanding. I even nailed down the dance." Miyeon agreed.

"I don't know if twerking counts as a good dance to do." Jennie said feeling mixed about this.

"Oppa said you don't have to stand at the front if you want to. It's meant for Honey J and the unnies." Lalisa clarified.

"I know but still... What would Minsik think if he saw me shaking it on stage? I don't think he'll see me the same way!!" Jennie said hiding her face with a massive blush.

"You really like that bad boy don't you?" Moon Sujin said fixing her hair. Being around Minsik's age, Sujin has become known for her tan skin and gorgeous face. She was a fan of Jay Park before she joined the AOMG dance division. She can sing most of his songs which Jennie noted her R&B voice.

W-Well he's just a good friend and we're from the same country!" Jennie fidgeted.

"Isn't that cute, little girl having a little crush for Minsik. He is rather charming..." Heejung states. A former child actress, she has blossomed into the most beautiful swan around. She easily rank high for her visuals and who wouldn't? To Jennie she looked like an older version of Jisoo. Maybe it's the face. There's a subtle hint of seduction when she smiles. Maybe that's why Minsik is drawn to her. Because of that Jennie feels extra cautious when being around her.

Jay Park: American All Star: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now