⭐ YG Family ⭐

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Obviously the list will expand as the story progresses. These are the artists sign in YG currently. :)

Jay x CL

These two create the most chaos in YG, that YG himself just doesn't bother anyone. Whenever Jay is at a party, CL is usually there to follow. Both share similar tastes in rap and is considered his female counterpart They complement each other well. Some think it's a sibling relationship others think it's something more romantic.

"Chae is my homegirl. Everywhere I go I always take her with me. She knows how to get down no matter what season. We're like close siblings separated at birth! She knows even my deepest secrets which goes to show how much I trust her." -Jay

Jay X Park Bom

A close friend from the trainee days. Due to Jay also speaking English they became close. He is quite considerate of Bom and is person who's comfortable venting out his personal thoughts. Next to CL, Bommie gets paired with Jay frequently especially since they kissed live during BigBang's debut.

"Bommie is noona is hella talented. We go waaaay back when before I debuted. She was my first friend I made in YG. She can be a little strict, but I try to butter her up. Noona can be cold with her words, but I still love her." Jay

Jay Park x Dara

Jay met her later on during the Lies era. Due to her English speaking skills they were able to become friends. Dara's like that noona that cheers you up and gives you affection.

"Dara is another pretty noona I like hanging out. Her English is pretty good for someone who grew up in the Philippines. Speaking of that she is my gateway to everything Filipino related." -Jay

Jay Park x Minzy

She's like a clingy younger sister to Jay Park. Someone he likes to spoil her with love and affection. Although she appears tough on-stage Jay knows her true side. Jay is the only person Minzy can be honest with. Because of that fans speculate if she has feelings or not.

"Minzy is like a lil sis who got invited to the club even though she may be too young. She is hella clingy sometimes, always busting in the studio everyday to chill. I helped her a lot with school shit so I'm like the responsible oppa. It pisses me off that people label her ugly, because she is one of the prettiest souls you'll meet-" Jay

Jay Park x Ailee

2ne1's American member. Born with the voice like no other, she always surprises Jay with her beautiful covers. He likes teasing her for her more than obvious crush on Eric Nam. Ailee is the oldest little sister who keeps Chae from acting too crazy.

"Ailee got the voice of Mariah, it's crazy how she can hit those high notes. I'm like damn girl aren't your throat sore from all that shit!? She came to the YG scene much later than the other girls, so it took me longer to get to know her. She like one of those girls who was raised in a church makes since considering the guy she likes, won't say who." -Jay

Jay Park x Teddy

One of his favorite hyungs Jay admires. His skill for production is nothing to sneeze at as he is often working at the studio. Teddy is his personal mentor when he needs a hyung. Teddy acts as the big brother stuck with annoying little siblings he needs to take care.

"Teddy is my hyung through and through. He was there from the first day at YG. He's smart as hell with musical stuff. I learned production and songwriting from Teddy." -Jay

Jay Park x Tablo

A big fan of Epik High, he is somewhat of a celebrity hyung in YG. Jay Park always loves hearing him freestyle. Tablo is that cool uncle that is chill and doesn't punish you.

"Tablo is that cool chill uncle that doesn't cause drama. He's the complete opposite of Teddy. I'm a big fan of their music so he is like a famous hyung." -Jay

Jay x Jinusean

A pair of homies Jay likes to give with. Whenever there is a party, you bet these two will be there. They make excellent hypeman.

"Even though they aren't as active, they bring the party after our concerts. I used to rap to their music during my trainee days.- Jay

Jay Park x Lee Hi

The little sister of YG due to her age and baby face. Don't let her innocent charms fool ya, the girl has the deep voice of soul built into her. Jay Park personally congratuled her during her debut. He enjoys spoiling her with snacks among many things.

"Lee Hi is that little sister with the golden voice. I was stunned when I heard her sing, legit took me to my parents's era of music. I almost confused her for a middle school student due to how young she looked. I legit thought she was a fan haha!!"- Jay

Jay Park X Akmu

A sibling duo who made it big appearing in a variety show. Chang
kyuk is the older brother playing the guitar and Suhyun is the younger sister with the golden voice. They've been doing their own thing apart from the idol groups.

"They're the talented brother and sister you've always wanted to root for. They've won the hearts of many for their music skills. Sometimes I like to play their music when I want to unwind." - Jay

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