Apartment → Stairwell

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"So your mom's been gone for 3 hours?"

It's a bit concerning, but his mom is probably just getting something.

.. it doesn't hurt to check. "Yeah.. can I call her on your phone?"

"My phone is dead." Archers face drops.



His brow furrows at that response. "Well then, why didn't you ask for a charger?"

"I felt I didn't need it.. nobody was gonna text me, anyway."

Archer scoffs. "That's just an excuse. Come on, I have a charger in my room."

In the meantime, while the phone charges, they 'both' speculate instead of eating.

"I bet she's just shopping.."

"No, she always gets her shit delivered."

"I mean, she could be visiting a friend.."

"No, she would tell me.."

With Archer's brain running on nothing, his line of thought leads to nothing.

He talks to himself, he paces around his room. Santiago simply watches, unsure what to say, cracking his own knuckles stiffly.

Archer stops making circles. "Hey, could you stop looking mysterious and at least reassure me?"

"Do you even believe yourself? You sound skeptical."

"I'll believe in myself when my mom answers the phone."

Santiago scratches his face, looking in the opposite direction."...Is this really that big a deal? I mean, that doesn't seem that long."

Archer throws an indignant look to the other. "3 hours isn't that long for you?"

He pauses at this. "I mean.. track meets are usually 3 hours, and they don't feel that long."

"..A track meet is 3 hours?"

"Usually. But it can be longer."

Archer snaps.

"Oh, whatever. Stop showing off, I'm not listening anyway." He bites at his fingernail while mumbling something else. Archer is obviously on edge.

Santiago frowns at the response, briefly yanking the phone off the charger. "Hey, chill. My phone should have enough battery now."

Archer reaches over and takes the phone, calling his mom- (The phone is locked.)

He holds it out for the other to take.

"Password.." He grunts quietly.


Okay, calling his mom, the phone only at 8%;

The rings stay on beat throughout until it abruptly reaches voicemail.

= Santiago (POV)

The feelingly endless rings swirl together into a jumble.

"You've called her 9 times. I think you would've made your mom mad by now."

"...Where is she?" The phone goes to voicemail again. Archer redials.

Archer and Santiago are both sat on the bed, Archer losing his wits by the second.

Santiago points at the remaining battery, which is.. 2%. Now 1. "The phones gonna die again. Put it on the charger."

Before Archer can grab the cord, the phone stops making the telling 'ring' sound. For a moment, he stares at the black screen.

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