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The screen door slides, the sound jagged by how slowly it's being opened.

With it creaking open, Santiago and Archer can see the flashing lights and hear the deafening sirens outside. They look down the normally busy street, only to see it currently in the process of being barricaded and an unstable man with a pistol in his hand, shooting seemingly at random. The erratic and unpredictable behavior make the police wary to get out.

The multiple police cars stopped with a loud screech, leaving visible skid marks on the road.

The only other passerby, a young woman, runs to hide. The man stumbles around on the sidewalk, holding his pistol chin level, pointed at all these people opposing him.

What he sees is a crowd, taunting him to shoot.

It's a normally busy road, but of course it's gonna be emptier at dark. The only light source is one pole light; hanging on for dear life, the bulb about to burn out.

Santiago wants inside. "Hey, I can only see red and blue. Now, why don't we go-"


They both flinch, the man bringing all the attention back to him.

"Shut the fuck up. We gotta watch in case something happens." Archer knows they should, but he wants to know if everything turns out alright.

The view is not the best, but they're not moving any closer.

The atmosphere is stuffy and it's hard to breathe or talk in the moment. A birds eye view of this is definitely enough to make both their bpm go up by a decent amount.

"Hands up. Put the gun away, and we won't shoot!" The group of police officers in a flash have gotten out with their gun steadied, ready to aim and fire.

"GET AWAY, I'VE GOT A GUN" The man twitches, his face red and veiny, eyes practically popping out of his sockets. He aims at nothing, which is something? He can't tell.


"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The man makes a loud, reverberating scream that echos through the night. He clutches at his head as if something is sucking his brains out.

He points his gun at the bypassing young woman, who was hidden behind a dropbox. He starts going towards her. His steps come louder and quicker, the rocks under his feet crackling under his shoes.


Archer and Santiago observe the scene in horror. The only thing they can do is pray for the woman. During this, Archer suddenly makes a connection to this individual's frenzied behavior.

"T-This reminds me of something." He whispers.

Santiago bites his nail, leg bouncing. "Yeah?"



The woman stands up quickly, and tries to speed off. However, with her night club attire, she quickly trips, scratching her knees.

BANG. A tease, the bullet grazing her heel.

The woman shrieks, horrified as the man approaches.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! Please don't kill me-"


He doesn't shoot again.

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