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Felix came at me and, this time, I wasn't fast enough to dodge him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and shoved me to the ground.

My back hit the ground hard and pain shot through my arm. I winced and instantly regretted it.

"Oh, did that hurt? You were never good at handling pain." He put a hand on my bad shoulder and pushed it to the ground.

The pain intensified but it didn't feel like he was doing much damage. Hopefully, it stayed that way. I really wasn't up for dealing with another limb that I couldn't use. Dealing with my ankle was bad enough.

I cried out in pain. I used my free hand to punch him in the face. I hoped hitting him was enough to get him off of me and give me a chance to recover.

His head whipped to the side and his eyes narrowed. He ran his fingers over his mouth and released his grip on my shoulder. He stood and took a few steps away from me.

I used his pause as a chance to take a deep breath. I wasn't sure what he was going to try but I had to be ready for anything. He was out of his mind and would do anything for his dead son. His thoughts weren't rational so there was no way his actions would be.

Sure enough, I was right. After my first deep breath, he shifted and turned into a medium-sized brown wolf. His wolf didn't seem intimidating but when he turned and looked at me with his sharp teeth bared, I shivered.

The problem with being a new werewolf was that I didn't know how to shift. I was never taught how to. And with Christian being unconscious, I wasn't able to get him to teach me. My time to learn was up and I hadn't studied at all for the test.

Felix stalked towards me and I pushed myself back with my good arm. He only let me get a few feet before he pounced. He landed with all four feet surrounding me like a cage. Drool dripped from his mouth and landed on my chest.

"Felix, don't do this. Christian wouldn't want you to do this."

He growled and leaned close to my face. I could smell his breath and it made me nauseous. It smelled just like a dog's breath would.

I opened my mouth to say something else but he wasn't interested in hearing me talk. He just wanted violence.

He opened his mouth and clamped down on my shoulder. His sharp teeth sunk into my skin.

A scream left my mouth at a high pitch. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears flooded my vision. I'd felt pain before but his bite was unreal. My shoulder was already hurting before then. This just made it worse.

Felix lifted my shoulder off the ground and flung me across the pavement. I felt the rocks and gravel dig into my skin as I slid over them. The underneath of my thighs became hot from how badly they were scrapped.

I rolled over onto my stomach and pushed myself up onto my hands and knees. My arm was practically limp at my side and I had a hard time moving it at all.

I started to crawl away as my brain struggled to come up with a plan. I needed to shift. If I could just shift, I could defend myself against Felix. I would stand a better chance against him as a wolf.


I lifted my head and saw Madison watching what was happening. She was a few dozen feet away and looking at me through a crowd of people. It didn't seem like anyone realized what was happening except her. She appeared more concerned than I expected from someone who claimed to not like me.

Felix saw I was distracted and took advantage. His body slammed into me and sent me rolling across the pavement.

As I flew in the air, I felt my body change and pain shoot through my entire body. When I landed, I landed on four paws instead of my two feet.

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