Steal Your Girl

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Madison dropped me off back at Christian's room before she excused herself. She said she was going home once her shift was done and wouldn't be back until Monday. So I told her to go early. She needed to spend time with her family and do something for herself since she'd been with me all week. It was only fair.

I grabbed the book I was in the middle of from the large stack I still had to get through and took it out onto the balcony. I found it hard to pay attention to what I was reading. The sun was setting and I kept wondering how I would get something to eat that evening and the next two days. Madison deserved time away from the mansion more than anyone but I missed having her around. She was good company and she kept me from getting bored.

I was watching the sun set over the horizon when I heard the door open. I knew it wasn't Madison.

I set my book on the chair and slowly got up. I tried to be quiet as I walked to the doors and peered inside.

Christian walked toward me with his hands in his pockets. His eyebrows rose when he saw me. "What are you doing?"

"I heard the door open."

"This is my room, you know."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, you've said that before."

"I thought you might want some company tonight. Madison asked the guards to tell me she was leaving for the weekend."

Damn you, Madison. She said something on purpose so I would be forced to spend time with Christian. She knew exactly what she was doing. "I'm going to kill her."

He smiled. "What, you didn't want to spend some time with me?"

"Not really. I've been enjoying my freedom."

"I thought being here wasn't freedom since I'm basically holding you hostage."

"Well, yeah... after the fact, alone time is freedom."

"I'll leave you alone once Madison comes back. I'm starting to like the thought of someone being around you most of the time."

"What, are you afraid someone will come and 'steal your girl'?" I used air quotes to exaggerate my point.

His smile grew more prominent and I knew he was messing with me. "I'm glad you think of yourself like that. I like it."

I threw my book at him though he caught it without moving more than his arm. "Shut up. I do not."

"I'm sure Madison will be thrilled to hear that. She seems like she's really hoping you'll stay."

"I don't think she's the only one."

He didn't respond to my comment. Instead, he nodded his head in the direction of the door. "Are you hungry? I was going to get something to eat."

"I'm good."

He rolled his eyes. "Come with me. It won't kill you."

"I don't know about that. I nearly died because of you." I followed him as he headed to the door that led into the hallway.

"And I've already apologized."

"You're not going to live that down. I'm going to keep reminding you."

"I'm sure you will." He opened the door and nodded at the guards as we passed them.

Neither of us said anything as we walked through the halls. Christian took us in a direction that I hadn't been in and down a hall that, while looking like the others, didn't look familiar to me. Part of me thought he was taking me to a reclusive part of the mansion but I knew he wouldn't hurt me. He said it himself that he never wanted to hurt me. I didn't trust him but this mate bond we had told me I could if I wanted to.

He pushed open a set of doors on our left that led to a large dining hall. The table in the center of the room was covered with a cream-colored runner and had wooden chairs with intricate designs on the backs of them. The room had a high ceiling with several chandeliers overhead. I would have hated to clean them.

Christian cleared his throat and I realized I was standing by the double doors alone. He stood near a swinging door to my left, watching me.

I swallowed and walked over to him, avoiding his gaze at the same time.

The room we entered was a kitchen. Everything was stainless steel and cleaned up to make it appear that nothing was ever used. It was about as big as aunt Ren's entire house.

"I'm not much of a cook but I can try to make us something decent."

I grabbed a stool from the counter along the wall and pulled it over to the counter beside the fridge. I used it to help me get onto the counter to sit and propped my leg on it, the boot sticking out like a sore thumb. It had only been a few days yet I was struggling with the wait for when I could get it off. The only time I could take it off was to get dressed or undressed.

Christian walked to the fridge and opened the doors. He stared inside at the contents, his left index finger tapping on the door handle just inches away from me. "What are you in the mood for?"

"Spaghetti?" It wasn't that hard to make nor was it hard to screw up.

He pulled out a pound of ground beef and headed to the prep table directly in front of me. He reached under for a mixing bowl before he went to a cabinet that was full of spices.

"What are you doing?"

"I need some seasonings for the meatballs."

"You're making meatballs?"

He glanced over at me. "It's spaghetti, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but... I didn't expect you to go that far with it."

"I can't wow you if I just boil some noodles."

I raised my eyebrows at him. He hardly seemed fazed by what he'd said. "Is that really necessary?"

He walked over with several spice jars in the crook of his arm. He stood on the other side of the stool from me. "I already know where I want this to go. I think you still need some convincing."

"Try all you want but it's not going to work."

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