Interim Alpha

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We made it back to Twisp and Christian's mansion faster than I ever would have imagined. Christian must have instructed everyone to move quickly and not waste any time. The faster he got me back to his mansion so his father could help me, the better my chances were.

When we got back to the mansion, Christian took me straight to his father in the infirmary. He laid me down on one of the beds and stepped aside to let his father and the nurses work.

"If you stay in here, you have to stay out of my way."

Christian nodded, his eyes never leaving me.

Felix got to work setting up an IV, an oxygen tube, and a heart monitor. He drew some blood before he left the room.

Christian sat down in the closest chair which happened to be a small stool and moved as close to the bed as he could get.

The room was quiet. The nurses in the hall were quiet as they passed the room, not wanting to disturb Christian in any way. The last thing anyone wanted was an angry Alpha.

"I'm sorry, Blair. I never wanted this to happen to you. Not like this." He rested his chin on the railing of the bed. His fingers moved to my arm and he began slowly running the tips of them back and forth, up and down over my skin. "I should have known he would find you. I never should have let you leave without telling you. It wasn't safe and I still let you go. I put you in harm's way and it's all my fault."

Christian had only ever shown emotion when his mother died. There were no signs that his brother would do something so horrific, at least not to Christian. He had no idea that the last time he told his mother he loved her would be the last time.

The funeral was a very public service. The family of an Alpha, no matter how important, was something that the entire pack mourned. Vivian Dawson was a beloved member of the pack and mother to all. Twisp didn't go back to normal for several weeks after her death.

The door opened and closed softly. A pair of footsteps entered the room and Zeke sat down in the chair on the opposite side of me. "She's gonna pull through. She was bit by an Alpha, that has to mean something."

"What if she doesn't?"

"You can't talk like that. She needs you to be strong for her. Use your Alpha command and get her to wake up."

Christian shook his head. "It doesn't work like that."

Zeke sighed and took in the sight of me. "I don't know what I'd do if this was Harmony. There's something inside of you that... You'd do anything for her. No matter what it meant for you. That mate bond is strong."

"It's still too early to tell if she's going to make it. We just have to wait to see if she wakes up or if the bite..."

"The goddess wouldn't do that to you. Not when you're loyal to her and your pack. You're practically the perfect Alpha. Why wouldn't she reward you by giving you this?"

"I didn't treat her right. She was miserable here. So much so that she ran away without telling anyone. She was willing to leave with nothing just to get away from me."

"Make things right with her. When she wakes up. Spend some time with her while she recovers. I can take over for you while you're gone. Being an Alpha can't be that hard."

Christian narrowed his eyes at Zeke. "Interim, Zeke. Not permanent. And there's no guarantee-"

"Don't talk like that. I'll beat the shit out of you if you keep talking like that."

Christian rolled his eyes at Zeke. "You wouldn't win a fight against me and you know it."

Zeke laughed and got to his feet. "Maybe, maybe not. But it would get my point across."

Christian shook his head.

Zeke walked around the bed and patted Christian's shoulder. "Take care of her. If you need anything, you know where to find me."

Christian nodded. "The same goes for me, also. If you need anything-"

"I know, I know. Relax, Christian. Everything will be ok. Just focus on her."

Christian nodded. He wouldn't have a hard time with that.

Christian put all his focus back onto me after Zeke left. He continued to watch me for any signs that I might wake up. He was holding out hope that just maybe I'd wake up and when I did, I'd forgive him. It was a long shot but it was all he had to go on.

There was no promise that I would wake up. His father couldn't assure him that I would be fine. Even the goddess wasn't showing Christian anything. Any time my body moved with a breath in or out, Christian would hold his in the hopes that my eyes would open or my fingers would move. He was waiting for a sign that I was still there and he hadn't lost me for good.

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