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The mansion was quiet at night. The same two guards that worked the overnight shift were outside the door, per usual. Other than the two men, we didn't pass a single person on our way to the kitchen. I wondered if it had always been like that.

When we entered the dining hall and Christian flipped the lights on, it felt like we weren't supposed to be there. The room was cleaned up from the dinner earlier that night. All the lights had been turned off and the doors were closed.

Christian entered the kitchen as if he owned it. I was sure he'd be the last person to get in trouble for being there after hours. After all, he was the Alpha.

It was easy for me to forget that he was in charge. He never acted like a boss or leader around me. He only brought it up randomly in conversation. There was a lot that seemed to be glazed over around me. Maybe it was to keep me from getting overwhelmed.

Christian walked over to the fridge and opened both doors to look inside. "What are you in the mood for?"

I shrugged as I walked over to where he was. "I'm not really in the mood for anything."

He looked over his shoulder at me. "You're eating something, Blair."

"You know, if you keep bugging me about eating, I might just decide to not eat anything."

He narrowed his eyes. "That's not funny."

"Then quit nagging me. I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself." When I moved in with my aunt, it was like living with a friend who just happened to be able to drive and worked every day. She gave me a lot of independence that, had I been friends with the wrong people or interested in the wrong things, would have been troubling. But I went to school and came home. I hardly had any friends so there wasn't much for me to do outside the house. So I spent a lot of time learning to cook and helping to keep the house clean.

"I know that. But you haven't eaten a thing in days. If I can prevent you from starving to death, then I'm going to do whatever I can."

"You're going to be annoying forever, aren't you?"

He smiled. "If that means taking care of you, then yes."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm literally fine with anything. Just pick something."

He reached to the back of the second shelf and pulled out something that was wrapped in reddish paper. "Spaghetti it is, then."

I surveyed the kitchen cabinets, trying to find the one that had the glasses. The place was so big it could probably fit two of everything in it. It put the kitchen back home to shame.

I started opening cabinets and made it to my third wrong choice before Christian spoke.

"What are you looking for?" His voice had a hint of humor to it and it annoyed me.


"They're in the cabinet to the right of the sink."

Of course. Being in Christian's presence was definitely making me struggle with thinking.

I got two wine glasses out of the cabinet and was just getting ice for them when Christian walked up behind me and plucked them from my hands.

"What the hell?" I asked. I spun around to face him and realized just how close we were.

"You're not drinking on an empty stomach. Not again."

"I told you I'm going to eat something."

He walked back to the cabinet I had found the wine glasses and pulled out two normal drinking glasses. He handed them to me and put the wine glasses in their place. "Get some water."

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