A Girl With Manners

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Christian had been gone for most of the day and I was grateful for the time alone. Without a TV, my phone, or my laptop, his mansion was incredibly boring. And, considering that I couldn't walk only made it worse.

I was confined to one room within the entire mansion. There was so much more to see and explore yet I was trapped. The room was fairly large considering it had a large bedroom, a living space, and a balcony. Yet it couldn't have felt smaller.

I'd asked Madison to bring me a glass of white wine after the third time listening to her berate me about Christian. Thankfully, she'd brought the whole bottle rather than just one glass. I had her help me into the bathroom and she assembled a collection of bath salts, soaps, and lotions for me to use to get a bath.

"I can stay if you think you'll need my help." She spoke as she adjusted the towel on the rattan chair that my foot was propped up on. The entire bathroom was about three times the size of the one I shared at my aunt's and the bathtub appeared to fit at least three people if not more. I knew I'd miss it once I left.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine. I kind of want to be alone anyway."

She nodded and glanced around the room. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to make you like it here more?"

"If I could get my phone, that would really help."

She sighed and sat down on the edge of the tub. "I really wish I could, Blair. But I can't lose this job."

"What's so important about it?" I knew jobs were important but there was always another one out there waiting. I offered her a sip from my wine glass but she shook her head.

"My dad is sick. It's been a slow progressing illness. My mom has to stay by his side to take care of him. I took this job to help pay for things at home."

"Wait, do you live here?"

She nodded. "Yeah, why do you ask?"

I sat up, careful to keep some bubbles over my private areas as I did so. "Why don't you stay here with me? This room is huge and you could at least keep me company for a while."

"I can't ignore my duties."

"I thought that included me."

She looked over at me. "Blair-"

"No, but it makes sense. If you have to keep an eye on me, why can't that include when I'm here? I mean... I am a flight risk, after all."

She let out a breath and got to her feet. "I guess it couldn't hurt. But if I get in any trouble, I'm blaming you."

I smiled. "Go right ahead." What was Christian going to do? Tell me no?

"Let me go... pack a bag, I guess."

I slid back down under the water and closed my eyes. The wine was definitely starting to have an effect on me. I couldn't say I minded it though.

The door opened and I heard footsteps approaching the bathroom.

"Did you forget something? Forget to tell me to give Christian a chance for the fourth time today?"

"I never told you that today but if you want me to..."

I opened my eyes to see Christian standing by the sink. He was facing away from me but I could see him watching me in the mirror. "Why are you here? Get out."

"I forgot my toothbrush."

I sat up and quickly tried gathering the bubbles to keep him from seeing anything. "Get it and get out."

"You don't want me to stay? I could definitely use a bath."

I grabbed the towel off the chair and held it against my chest. "Oh my gosh, get out!"

He smiled and backpedaled his way to the door. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"

I grabbed the wine bottle and held it by the neck. "Don't make me throw this bottle at you."

"You wouldn't."

"You don't know me."

"You drank half that bottle already. I can tell you like it. I know you wouldn't waste it on me."

I narrowed my eyes. "Please, just get out already."

"Fine. Since you said 'please' I'll go. I like a girl with manners." He winked at me before he left. I let out a frustrating groan before I lifted the bottle to my lips and took a large gulp.

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