Watch Me

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I woke up the next morning with a raging headache. Drool coated the pillow under my head and my eyes were scratchy.

I rolled onto my back to see the curtains were pulled aside and the french doors were open in the living area. I groaned at the light and rolled onto my stomach, shoving my face into the pillow beneath me.

"I knew you liked that wine."

My groan intensified as I heard Christian's voice. "I think I might throw up."

"Did you drink the whole bottle?"

"I had help."

He sighed but I could hear him laugh also.

"What are you doing in here?"

"This is my room."

"I told you to get out, remember?"

"I don't have to follow orders from you."

"Is that because you're stubborn or because you're the Alpha?" What a pretentious title.

"A mixture of both."

I ran a hand over my face before I sat up. I glanced at Christian before rolling my eyes. "Yeah, I'm definitely going to throw up."

"Don't be so dramatic, Blair. Frey asked me to come check on you."

Damnit, Madison. "She has a name. I don't think she appreciates being called by her last name."

"Maybe I should start calling you Banks. It might make her feel better knowing I'm doing that to you as well."

Oh, she wanted him to call me way more than Banks. Stuff I couldn't say out loud without blushing. "I doubt that. She seems to think we should get to know each other."

He shrugged. "She's not wrong. You know nothing about me."

"That goes two ways." I started to stand but quickly realized I couldn't walk on my ankle yet.

Christian walked around the bed and stopped in front of me. This time, rather than carrying me, he put an arm around my back and helped me hop to the bathroom door.

"I got it from here." I hobbled inside and shut the door as I stared at him. I locked the door before I made my way to the toilet.

He spoke from outside as if that was totally normal. "I know things about you."

"Anyone can read my license. What's my favorite subject in school? Who did I have a crush on in seventh grade? What kind of pizza do I like?"

"What kind of pizza do you like?"

I made my way to the sink and lifted myself up onto the counter. I reached beside me and unlocked the door before I found the toothbrush Madison had gotten me. "Pepperoni."

He opened the door and leaned against the doorway. "Just pepperoni?"

I nodded. "I can't stand cheese pizza."

He shrugged. "It's plain but good. You're missing out."

"I don't think so."

He laughed. "Alright, it's your turn. Ask me anything."

Anything? "If you could choose any girl to be your mate, who would it be?"

His eyes found mine and he didn't say anything for a few seconds. When he spoke, his response surprised me. "Even when things don't go my way, I don't question the Goddess. She picked you so I'm picking you."

Honestly, his answer surprised me. I always expected him to want me considering his persistence, but it caught me off guard. If I was 'bonded' with someone who didn't want me, I'd want a redo at any cost.

"My turn. Where were you going when we first met?"

"Home. My aunt was ordering us Chinese for dinner. I talked to her just before..." My words faded and I felt my throat tighten just thinking about my aunt. Losing my parents was already hard on her. She was so close with my mom. But losing me when she had been chosen to take care of me? I hated to think of how scared she must have been.

"I'm sorry about all of that. That day... I should have handled things better."

"Why? Why didn't you?"

"I saw you and I just... I couldn't think straight. My rational thoughts vanished in my head and all I wanted was to have you."

"So you made me flip my car?"

"That's not one of my finer moments."

"You know, if you're going to make all the claims you've made to impress a girl, you should really find a way to heal her broken ankle. It's only fair."

"I got my best doctor to see you. I trust him with my life."

"He's your dad." I said in a deadpan voice.

He shrugged. "Family is important to me."

"How come I haven't met your mom then?"

His eyes held mine for a few seconds before he looked away. "It's my turn to ask a question."

I rolled my eyes. He couldn't even answer my question before asking his own. Was he afraid I'd judge him? Didn't he realize that I had my own family problems? Everyone did.

"Have you been talking with Madison about me?"

"So what if I was? Girls talk."

"What did she tell you?" He shifted his weight and crossed his arms over his chest. He was finding this amusing. He knew he was getting under my skin.

But I wasn't going to give him what he wanted either. "We just talked. That's all."

He pushed away from the wall and turned away from me. "If that's how you're going to be..."

He started walking away, leaving me stuck since I needed his help getting down from the countertop. My eyes widened as I realized that. "Hey! You can't just leave me in here!"

"Watch me."

I let out a huff and stared down at the floor, wondering how I'd be able to get out on my own. "Asshole."

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