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It was getting closer and closer to Christmas and I still didn't have anything to get Christian. I felt so behind and unprepared. It seemed like I was going to strike out on our first Christmas together and I was mad at myself for letting it get to that point.

I paced back and forth in the living room, trying to come up with something I could get him that wouldn't seem last-minute.

I didn't know what Christian was interested in. We'd talked about things we liked but it wasn't enough to go off. It also didn't help that I had no money.

I rubbed my eyes and sat down on the couch. Who knew having a boyfriend could be so difficult?

Maybe Harmony would know what I should get him.

I walked over to the door and opened it. The same two men who always stood outside the door were there today, too.

"Can I ask a favor?"

They both nodded.

"Of course, Luna," Luke said.

I sighed. I was never going to get them to stop calling me that. "Can I borrow a phone again? I need to talk to Harmony, Zeke's wife."

Carson chuckled and handed over his phone. He had a mischievous look on his face. "Oh, we know Harmony."

Luke hit Carson in the arm. "Dude."

Carson shook him off. "Sorry. But tell her we say hi."

I raised an eyebrow. "How do you know her?"

"We went to school with her."

I nodded. That didn't exactly explain why they were acting so weird but I let it go. That wasn't why I talked to them in the first place. "Um, I'll be back. Thanks."

I went back into the room and shut the door behind me. I found Harmony's name in his phone contacts and hit the call button beside it.


"Hey, Harmony. It's Blair. I need your help."

"Oh hey, Blair. What's up?"

"Christmas is only in a few days and I don't have anything for Christian. I was hoping you could help me think of something that won't take much time or... money."

"That does limit things a bit. Did you have anything in mind?"

"Not really. I know things about him but I don't really know what he likes."

"What does he like?"

I couldn't think of a single thing in the moment. Was I that bad of a girlfriend that I couldn't get Christian a gift or think of anything he even liked? "I don't... I don't know."

"There has to be something he likes."

I shrugged. "Well, he likes me."

"Then... get him you."

"Harmony, that makes no sense."

She laughed. "Hear me out. You could do something... sexy. Guys like that."

"I don't know how to do that. I'm a virgin."

"Don't overthink it. Christian will love whatever it is. I promise."

That was easier said than done. I had no idea how to be sexy. I didn't feel sexy. How was I supposed to convey something I didn't even feel in myself?

"Do you have any lingerie?"

My eyes widened. "No, I don't have anything like that. The closest thing I have is a matching bra and underwear set."

She laughed. "Okay, don't sweat. Meet me at my shop this afternoon and I'll take you around town to find something."

"How can I get anything without him knowing? He'll see the purchases."

"Think of it as my present to you."


"I insist. Let me do this for you as a friend."

I'd never had anyone offer to do something like this for me. I wasn't sure how to react. "Thanks, Harmony."

"Of course. I'm closing at 4 today if you want to come around then."

"Okay. I'll see you then."

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