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I was finally able to walk on my ankle so I took advantage of my newfound freedom. I asked Madison to give me a tour of the large mansion since I'd only seen two rooms and the foyer. She knew the building better than most since she used to be Christian's maid.

The guards that stood outside the room tried following us but I lied and told them that Christian let us walk around unattended. Christian didn't know we were leaving the room but I had a feeling he wouldn't have liked it. He seemed like the overprotective type and I didn't like that.

The walls were bare as we headed down the hall. I didn't know why I was surprised. The carpet on the floor was a cream color that actually added some warmth to the otherwise cold mansion.

The hallway that Christian's room was on didn't have any other doors lining the hall which I found weird. It seemed big enough to have plenty of rooms and it wasn't like his room took up that much space.

"Why is it so empty up here?" I asked, speaking my thoughts out loud.

"It's for security reasons. Christian doesn't want anyone getting close enough to harm him."

"That kind of seems a little..."

"He's the Alpha. There are lots of people who believe that killing an Alpha will give them the title. It's all about power and control."

Hearing her say this and seeing the serious look on her face told me I knew nothing about this world. I was still trying to grasp the fact that people could turn into wolves. Part of me wanted to know more but the other part reminded me that once I was better, I was going to go home and forget that any of this existed.

Madison and I came to an intersection in the hallway and I glanced in either direction. The halls looked so similar that I knew I'd get lost if I tried to navigate them alone.

"How big is this place?"

Madison smiled. "It's a lot bigger than it looks from the outside."

I knew she wasn't exaggerating when she said that. Just from what I'd seen already, I knew there would be plenty more.

She took a right and headed away from the steps. There were several doors along this hallway. All of them were shut and had no windows to give me any kind of idea as to what the rooms contained.

"So what kind of stuff gets done here? I know you said important people come here during the day."

She nodded. "They have meetings on how to handle things like people who break laws or how to address the passing of someone in the pack. They even discuss new members to the pack."

"Like me?" I didn't want to be a part of anything that kept me away from my home and my aunt Ren. I didn't want to be a 'member' of the pack that Christian supposedly ran.

She smiled as she continued walking, her eyes looking forward. "Normally, no one would bat an eye at a human coming into town but you're an exception. Christian's never had a mate before you so this is taken pretty seriously."

A door to my right opened and a tall man in a gray suit stepped out. He nodded his head at me as he passed but didn't even glance at Madison. I couldn't see into the room before the door closed.

I turned to look at the man and waited until he was out of earshot before I asked my next question. "Why did that guy look at me like that?"

She laughed. "You're technically the Luna around here now. Second in command. He did it out of respect."

"He didn't do that to you."

And her smile fell. "I'm just a maid."

"But you're still a person."

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