That's Alpha To You

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After Christian cleaned up dinner, he carried me back up to his room. I hated being so dependent on him to help me do something as basic as walking. I'd never broken a bone or needed help with physical mobility before so I struggled with letting him even offer. But after my ankle went out on me, I knew I couldn't argue.

The guards were still standing outside of his room when he approached the door. I was assuming they were new people but I couldn't tell. They all sort of... looked alike.

Christian locked the door behind him before he carried me into the bedroom and set me on the bed. "I'm going to have my father look at your ankle in the morning. Please stay off of it until then."

"Can you help me into the bathroom? I need to brush my teeth."

He helped me into the bathroom and set me on the counter by the sink. "I'll be right back. Stay here."

I waited until he was gone from the room and the door was shut before I slowly lowered myself onto my left foot. I hopped over to the toilet and prayed I'd be able to get back to the sink before Christian came back to check on me.

I took five seconds before I flushed. Just as I was turning to go back to the sink, the door opened and Christian stood in the doorway.

"What did I tell you?"

"I had to pee. Relax."

He let out a deep exhale and leaned against the doorframe. "You're so stubborn."

"Can you blame me?" I made my way to the sink and leaned against it as I washed my hands and brushed my teeth. Surprisingly, for not quite being prepared for me, there were enough toiletries and clothes for me. They weren't mine but they would do for the time being until I got something better.

When I was finished, I turned to face him, ready for him to carry me back to the bed. As I did so, I wobbled on my good leg and grabbed onto the counter to hold me up.

Christian sighed and walked over to me. He scooped me up in his arms and started walking back to the bedroom. "I really wish you'd listen to me. I'm not asking you to stay off your feet for nothing."

"You're not asking, you're telling. No, demanding."

"I'm just trying to help you, Blair."

I looked at him and felt my breath shorten at how close our faces were. If he wanted to kiss me, it wouldn't take more than an inch or two for our lips to be locked...

Stop it, Blair.

But maybe he was onto something. He'd said from the start that he only wanted what was best for me. He wanted to help me and protect me and he couldn't do that if I was putting up roadblocks.

He set me down on the bed and pulled back the covers for me.

"Christian, can you help me change? I don't want to wear this to bed." Before Madison left, I'd asked her to help me into a pair of jeans. I knew I wouldn't be comfortable sleeping in them but I knew I couldn't take them off on my own considering how my ankle felt.

He nodded and knelt down beside my feet. He slowly pulled back the straps of my boot until they were undone and loose enough that he could slide the boot off. He did so slowly, careful not to jostle my foot too much.

I leaned back and unbuttoned my jeans. I wiggled them down to my knees and slowly pulled them loose at my calves and around my ankles. Christian helped me pull them off before he tossed them into a black hamper that sat outside of the closet.

"What do you normally sleep in?"

"Shorts and a t-shirt. I can wear something of Madison's." She did laundry more than anyone I knew and left all of her clothes clean before she went home for the weekend. I thought it was excessive but I figured there was a method to her madness and let her deal with it all.

He went to the suitcase that sat against the wall and gauged his options before he came back with a pink t-shirt and black shorts. "This okay?"

I nodded.

He set the shirt on the bed beside me and then handed me the shorts. I gingerly pulled them over my legs before I stood on my left leg to get them up the rest of the way. I had barely gotten them up when I fell.

Christian wrapped an arm around my back to hold me against him. "Are you okay?"

I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed back so our chests weren't pressed against one another anymore. The proximity of our bodies was making me light-headed. "Yeah, um... Can you help me get the brace back on my ankle?"

"Sit back on the bed."

I did as he said and watched him put the boot back on and fix the velcro straps. It didn't hurt to have it out of the boot but I knew any movement or bump would make it hurt. I just hoped this pain wasn't causing it to heal any slower. The last thing I needed, or wanted, was to stay longer.

"Can you turn around so I can change my shirt?"

He looked up at me with raised eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes. "Please?"

"Fine. Since you asked nicely."

I shook my head at him as he turned around. I pulled my shirt off and exchanged it for Madison's. I tossed the dirty shirt into the hamper, barely making it from where I sat.

Christian turned back around and helped me get under the covers. "Now, get some sleep."

"Yes, sir." I rolled onto my side and pulled the blanket up to my shoulder.

"That's Alpha to you." He walked off to the bathroom and shut the door, leaving the room dark.

He knew exactly how to make my blood boil. He teased me more than anyone in my life had yet... he was helpful when he needed to be. I wouldn't have been able to get something to eat and make it through the hallway without him. Even though he was the one who caused my injury, he was trying to fix it and make up for it and I had to appreciate that. It was more than most would do.

I rolled onto my back and sighed as I stared up at the ceiling. If the circumstances were different, I might have felt some sort of way toward him. But given everything that had happened between us, it was hard to feel any romantic feelings for him. I just hated that he was stuck with me when there might have been someone better out there for him.

The door opened and Christian stepped out. I could barely see him in the dark room.

I sat up on my elbows. "Christian? Thank you for tonight. It wasn't so bad."

I couldn't see his expression. His response was the only thing I could go off of and it didn't give me much. "You're welcome."

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