First Time

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The room was fairly dark. The lights were dimmed to make it appear later in the evening than it was. Candles were lit up around the room, pulsing a soft yellow light around them. It was extremely romantic.

Did Christian know what my plans were? I thought I had been careful to hide my new outfits from sight.

The large table in the room vanished in the darkness except for the left side where Christian sat. There were candles on the table to illuminate the spots where the plates were.

Christian stood up from his seat as I approached him. He wasn't dressed in anything fancy though he did look nice. He had on a dark blue dress shirt buttoned up to the middle of his chest and khaki pants. It was a good look on him but I couldn't help staring at the bare part of his chest that poked out.

He smiled as I came into the light of the candles. He walked around the table and held my chair out for me, something I wasn't expecting. "I'm sorry we have to eat a little earlier. I was going to cook for us but I thought this might be easier if my staff do it for us."

I nodded and sat down. I could smell the food as I got closer to it. It smelled as good as it looked. Baked chicken with mashed potatoes and asparagus.

Christian walked around to his side of the table and sat down. "I hope I'm not keeping you from anything."

I raised my brows. "Do I seem like I'm overly busy to you?"

His lip twitched as he held back a smile. "Not usually, but I wanted to be respectful of your time and how you spend it."

I nodded. As pathetic as it was, I really just spent my time waiting for Christian to stop working so I wasn't so lonely. I spent so much of my time alone. Usually, that wouldn't have bothered me or been a big deal. But since I didn't have any family or friends to do things with, it made me feel pretty lonely.

I used the silence to take a bite of the mashed potatoes in front of me. One of the perks of living in the mansion was the cooking staff. They always made such good meals. When I had money and a job, I was definitely going to have to get them something to say thank you.

"If you ever want to go skiing, there are some pretty nice trails around here. And it's all real snow; not the fake stuff that some resorts use."

I laughed at the thought of trying to ski on fake snow. How did that work? "Fake snow?"

"It's man-made. A lot of resorts use it to keep the money coming in when the weather isn't cooperating."

"I didn't know that was even a thing."

"You've never been skiing before?"

I shook my head and took a sip of the glass of water sitting in front of me. "I don't like the cold so I was never interested in trying."

"What if I took you and helped you?"

The thought of falling on my face in front of him made me embarrassed. I wasn't sure I could handle that, honestly. "I doubt I'd be any good."

"Maybe with the right teacher."

From all the movies I'd watched, I knew what it meant when getting a teacher for any reason. It made me blush at the thought. "Are you any good?"

He shrugged. "I'm not too bad. I can definitely make my way down the mountain."

"What if I don't ever... pick up on it?" There was nothing worse than not being able to do something he wanted to do. I hated the thought of it.

"There are plenty of other things we could do."

"Like what?"

"I still haven't taught you to shift yet."

My eyes widened at the thought of even trying. It scared me to think about turning into an animal. It shouldn't have been real. I kept telling myself that and yet... it was. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"It's not as scary as it sounds."

"That's easy for you to say. You've been doing it your whole life."

He took a sip of his water. "It's definitely easier when you've known about werewolves, too."

I spent a lot of my time wondering how this was my life. It went from fairly boring and normal to totally crazy. Never in my life did I think I'd be introduced to werewolves. Nor did I expect the guy I'd spend the rest of my life with to be living across the country from me. I wondered if Christian felt the same.

We spent the rest of the dinner just talking. And the talking came easier with him than it did for most people. Once I opened up and relaxed, and tried not worrying about what would happen later in the evening, if it even did, I found that I liked talking with Christian. I liked having someone to talk to about private things and things that I didn't tell others for whatever reason. I knew it would come more naturally once I wasn't as stressed about... putting out.

I didn't want our first time to be forced or planned. Even though I was planning it out for that night by using the lingerie to initiate things, I still wanted it to come organically. I wanted things to fall into place rather than us just having to put it there or do it that way.

I was thinking too hard about it, honestly.

As we left the dining room, I felt like I was slowly gaining the confidence to open up and show Christian a part of me that I never showed anyone. I wasn't sure why I felt so comfortable but I knew I could trust him.

We walked into the room and I knew I had to jump at the chance to start things before I lost my courage.

"I have your Christmas present if you want it early."

He raised his eyebrows at me as he sat down on the couch. "You got me something?"

I nodded. "Let me go get it."

As I walked from the living room to the closet, I bit my lip to keep my nerves in check. I quickly changed into the outfit I'd picked and took a deep breath to steady myself.

It was now or never.

I stepped out of the closet in my pink Chemise and made my way back to the living room. I stood in the doorway of the living room and tried my hardest to not look intimidated. "Okay. Um... here you go."

He turned where he was sitting and I swore I heard his heart pause for a second as he took in what he was seeing. Which was me... naked. Or close to being naked.

The Chemise covered the parts I really wanted to be covered but left my arms and legs bare. It wasn't as opaque as I wanted it to be so I was sure Christian was able to see something.

Christian's eyes widened ever so slightly as he looked me over. It was a quick glance, one I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't gaging his every move. His body was completely still but I could hear his breathing had quickened. "Oh... wow."

"Is that a good wow?" I asked nervously. I was sure I would have thrown up if Christian didn't like... me.

He slowly got up and walked around the couch. "Yeah. That's a good wow."

My heart pounded in my chest as he approached me. He said he liked what he saw but actions spoke louder than words. I needed him to show me that he liked what he saw.

"Like a really good wow." His voice quieted as he stepped in front of me. He seemed to hesitate, which wasn't like him in the slightest, before he reached out and put his hands on my lower back. His fingers moved around the fabric and I found myself waiting for the moment when he'd lift it up and expose some of my skin. "I wasn't expecting this if I'm being honest."

"That's what I was hoping for," I whispered.

He closed the gap between us and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss wasn't rushed or frantic like I was expecting it to be. It started slow and sultry and it was everything I wanted it to be.

So was the sex.

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