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Christian definitely wasn't kidding when he said people treated him differently just for being the Alpha. Every store we passed had someone trying to give us something. And it wasn't their way of trying to sell us something. It was like they wanted to give it to us for free.

It was weird.

I'd never seen anything like it before.

It really did make me feel like a celebrity. And I hated it.

I liked blending in and being invisible. Slipping through the cracks was something I was good at. I didn't like being center stage where everyone knew who I was and what I was doing at all times.

Christian seemed to have a list of people he wanted to visit. We stopped at the store where I had gotten most of my shoes the time I went shopping alone. He asked the store owner, Valerie, how her husband was doing. Apparently, he was involved with the pack and the decisions made for the town when Christian's uncle was the Alpha. He was older and unable to participate in the meetings like he once had.

This seemed to make the woman quite emotional. As she explained to us, she appreciated the concern and the support Christian provided her during a difficult time. She said she was grateful that she wasn't forgotten about when her husband became frail and unable to work.

Even though Christian had his own issues to deal with, it was nice to see him involved in the community and reaching out to the pack members. Being in charge didn't mean you forgot about the people who support you or follow your lead.

I stayed back and let Christian work. I wasn't sure what my place was to be involved and I honestly didn't know what Luna's did within the pack. It seemed like I would fulfill tasks often given to the Beta so I wasn't really sure what I should do so I wouldn't overstep Zeke. I certainly didn't want to make him mad.

As we got into the car, driven by one of his staff, Christian gave directions on where to go next. I recognized where we were when the driver pulled up along the curb.

I looked to my left at Christian. "You need flowers?"

"No, but you do."

I rolled my eyes. "Christian, I don't need flowers."

Rather than answer me, Christian got out of the car on his side. He walked around to mine and opened the door for me.

"You also don't need to open the door for me. I can do that myself."

He pulled me closer until our chests were touching. "I don't need to but I want to. I was taught to respect a woman and treat her right. What kind of man would I be if I didn't do these things for you?"

"Some people say it's also fine to let a woman be independent and do things for herself."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should have to all the time."

"I'm not winning this, am I?" I questioned.

He smiled. "I'm not going to let you." He leaned down and pressed his lips against me. It was a gentle kiss that only lasted a few seconds. But a smile formed on my face and I couldn't get it off. "Come on. I'll introduce you to Harmony."

Unable to form a sentence, I let him take my hand and lead me into the store in front of us.

The store was on the corner of two streets. The walls facing both streets were mainly windows, allowing the flowers and plants a chance to grow and show off their beauty.

I never thought of how many flowers there were. Various bouquets and pots filled with flowers lined the shelves against the windows and along the perimeter of the store. The counters in the center of the store held seeds and tools for growing a garden, whether it be for flowers or vegetables. Harmony really seemed to know what she was doing.

When we entered the store, a bell chimed above us to let her know someone had entered. She turned to face us and I was surprised by her appearance.

Harmony was pretty but in a plain way. Much like I was, actually. She had long blonde hair that appeared naturally wavy. It was tucked behind her ears, revealing a line of piercings that went from her lobe to her cartilage. She had rosy cheeks and brown eyes that accentuated her freckles. She was wearing a long yellow dress with a white apron tied on over it. She didn't look dressed for the winter weather. Maybe she was hoping for warm weather just like I was.

Her lips curved into a smile when she saw it was us. "Christian. It's so good to see you."

"Do you mind?" He asked, nodding toward the door.

I wasn't sure what he meant until Harmony nodded and Christian locked the door.

I followed him through the store until we approached Harmony at a counter with a cash register and a sad-looking plant beside it. She was holding a pair of sheers in her hand.

"Harmony, this is Blair. Blair, Harmony."

I was intimidated meeting Harmony. She was the Beta's wife and had been in the pack since she was born. I wanted her to like me.

I smiled at her. "It's nice to finally meet you."

She returned my smile and placed the sheers on the counter. "Likewise. I'm surprised Christian didn't bring you by sooner. He hasn't stopped talking about you since you came to Twisp."

I glanced up at Christian. He was leaning against the counter and seemed to be ignoring us. I knew he could hear what was being said. "There was a lot going on. Between moving up here and getting to know Christian better, I was pretty preoccupied."

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, well, don't let me or Zeke get in your way. Any time you two need some... alone time, we can cover for you both."

I bit my lip to stifle a laugh. Christian, on the other hand, looked uncomfortable and a bit embarrassed. "Oh, no. I didn't mean... We haven't..."

Harmony waved off the uncomfortable air. "No worries. When you're ready, we can cover. Christian was a great help when we were busy with our girls."

I raised my eyebrows. "You have kids?"

She nodded. "Two girls. Violet and Iris."

"Christian never mentioned that."

She pursed her lips as she looked at him. "That's typical. I'm sure he's too busy to fill you in. It's a good thing I'm here. Whatever you need, don't hesitate to call."

"Thanks, Harmony. I appreciate that." Madison had done a good job of filling me in on things within the pack but Harmony was the Beta's wife so she knew more than most. If I was going to be a Luna, I needed all the help I could get.

"Do you need any flowers? The flowers Christian got should be on their way out by now."

"Christian thinks I need more."

"You do. Even Harmony agrees with me."

She walked around from behind the counter. "Don't listen to him. Let me help you pick something out." She turned to him as she put her hands in the pockets of her apron. "Go make yourself busy. Blair needs some girl time. Come back in an hour."

I was surprised that she so boldly told Christian what to do. But she didn't seem phased by it. She headed off toward a section of roses and tulips without looking back.

I glanced at Christian and shrugged. I wasn't going to question her. I did need some girl time.

Christian rolled his eyes and headed for the exit of the store. He unlocked the doors before he left.

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