Keep An Eye On You

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It felt like forever before anyone came to the room. To my surprise, it wasn't Christian that came. A knock came at the door before someone entered. They walked through the living area before coming into the doorway of the bedroom.

It was a small woman who looked about my age. She had strawberry blonde hair that was tucked back into a short ponytail at the base of her neck. She had a covered dish in her hands. She wore a maid's outfit similar to the maid I'd seen when we first got to the mansion. It was so formal it made me hesitate to speak.

"Ms. Banks, I have dinner for you. Would you like me to get you anything to make your stay more comfortable?"

I sat up, an idea in my head. "Yes. Actually, can you help me out onto the couch?"

"Mr. Dawson said you weren't allowed to walk."

"Then can you help me hop out there? I'm trying to follow the rules but I'm so bored here."

She nodded and set the tray of food on the nightstand.

I slid off the bed and onto my left foot. I swayed a little as I tried my best to not use my right foot as well as learn to deal with the weight of the boot.

The maid slid her arm around me and helped me hobble my way out to the couch. She waited until I was settled before she took a step back.

"Let me grab your food."

I pulled the throw off the back of the couch and laid it over my legs. I was just settling into the pillows behind me when the maid came back into the room.

She set the food on the coffee table near me and turned to look at me. "Can I get you anything else?"

I nodded at the chair nearest me. "Have a seat. I need to talk to someone before I go mad."

She slowly and cautiously sat down in the chair, only sitting on the edge. She said nothing.

I sighed. It looked like I was going to have to pull a conversation out of her. "What's your name?"

"Y-you want to know my name?"

I nodded.

She swallowed and it was clear she was uncomfortable. "I-I'm Madison Frey."

"Okay, Madison. I'm Blair. You really don't have to keep calling me Ms. Banks."

She nodded slowly.

"How long have you been working here?"

"I've been here five years now. My father used to work for Mr. Dawson before he got sick."

"Have you always been a maid?" I reached for the tray and lifted the top off. There was a bottle of water lying on its side, sweating from the temperature in the room. I grabbed it and twisted the top off.

She nodded. "I was assigned to Christian a while ago but once you came, he asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Like a spy?"

She gaped at my abrasiveness.

I laughed. "I'm only kidding. It's not your fault he has you doing his dirty work."

"You and Christian are not getting along?"

I shook my head. "Not really. He sort of kidnapped me."

"How do you mean?"

"I was in an accident that he caused. He brought me back here without my consent. And, now that I can't walk, I'm stuck here. He won't even give me my phone back. Do you think you could get that for me?"

"I-I'm sorry. I really don't want to get in any trouble."

I nodded. It was worth a shot but I hated that I was being turned down by someone who could, potentially, help me get out. "I understand. Then... can you get me some books or magazines or something? There's no tv in here and I need some form of entertainment."

She nodded. "Of course." She stood and adjusted her uniform. "I need to get back to work. I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. I don't want you to get in any trouble because of me." I was sure I'd get myself into enough trouble. I didn't need to bring her into it.

"I'll come and check on you at the start of every hour until 10:00 pm so if you think of anything, you won't have to wait long."

"You work that long?"

She nodded.

I frowned. I was definitely going to have to say something to Christian. No way should anyone have to work that hard to take care of others. Especially people who were capable of taking care of themselves.

"I don't mind. Really." She interjected quickly.

I pushed myself up and let my leg dangle off the side of the couch. "I have one more question and then I'll let you go."

She nodded.

"Is Christian difficult to work for?"

Her lips turned upward into a smile. "He's actually quite nice. He keeps to himself so no one knows many details about him. I think you'll come to like him the longer you're here."

I highly doubted that would happen. I didn't plan on getting too chummy with someone who kidnapped me.

I watched her leave before I laid back against the pillow behind me. I began counting the minutes for her to come back with something to keep me entertained. If she couldn't stay and talk with me then maybe reading would hold my attention.

I needed something to hold me over until I could walk. And then... I was going to leave and I wasn't going to let Christian stop me.

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