First Step

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I woke up the next morning feeling anxious and nauseous at the same time. I felt jittery and overwhelmed. I wasn't sure I was going to survive the plane ride.

We clearly weren't staying the night. Christian didn't pack anything more than a computer bag he slung over one shoulder.

I didn't feel up for arguing so I stayed silent as we got on the plane. I found a window seat and sat down.

Christian sat down across the aisle from me. He got his laptop out of his bag and began working. He must not mind the takeoff.

I, on the other hand, struggled to keep my composure as the plane lifted into the sky. The rumbling vibrations of the plane made my stomach churn and flip around. Staring at the clouds was the only thing that kept me from throwing up.

It wasn't a long flight from Washington to North Carolina. A little over five hours and we were landing. I couldn't tell if it felt longer because I was anxious about going home or shorter because I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen once we got there.

It was torture.

My heart hurt as I stepped off the plane and recognized the area. I knew the drive from the small, local airport we landed at and how to navigate the town with my eyes closed. It was so familiar yet it felt like it was slipping away from me like air seeping through cracks in a window.

I followed Christian from the plane into a black SUV waiting for us. The interior was a black leather that, compared to the dreary weather outside, felt dark and scary. It felt like I could be swallowed up at any moment.

I took a deep breath before I got inside. I put my seatbelt on and stared out the window as we left the airport.

Christian must have remembered my address. He gave it to the driver with ease, similar to the way he delivered it to me when we first met.

Every store, building, and street we passed brought back memories. I was never a popular kid growing up. I never had many friends, if any. I kept to myself, especially after my parents passed. Most kids didn't want to be seen with the orphan freak. They didn't want my problems to become their problems.

Going to college was the closest thing to normal that I had in my life. I had a chance to reinvent myself. There were plenty of people that didn't know who I was or my story, even though I only went to the local community college. There were enough people to mask me and blend me right in with everyone else.

So the thought of being a luna scared me. It scared the shit out of me.

We turned down the road that led to my aunt's home and I held my breath, not sure what I was expecting when I saw the house for the first time.

I just wasn't expecting to feel... homesick. Seeing the house, I thought I would be sad or upset. I thought feelings of dread would wash over me and eat me alive.

I was about to open the door and step out of the car when I saw two men walk past. They were dressed in black. They headed toward the house and it looked like undertakers or coroners coming to take a dead body or something.

"We're making sure the property is safe. I haven't heard of Everett being in North Carolina but I need to be sure." Christian spoke from beside me.

I watched as the men walked the perimeter of the property. We didn't have a very big yard. Just big enough for the garden aunt Ren always grew each summer.

"The property is clear, sir." The driver spoke. He glanced in the rearview mirror at Christian but didn't even look my way.

I pushed the car door open and stepped out. The gravel driveway was just big enough for two cars. Since both my car and aunt Ren's car were damaged, neither was there. Just our black car and another matching one where the guards came from.

I wrapped my arms around myself as I headed up the steps to the front door. Beside the door were two matching plants. A doormat sat in front of the door. It was a simple green doormat. Aunt Ren said she wanted it to blend in with the plants. The plants had since died. I lifted the left one and pulled the key out from under the planter.

"You know that isn't a safe place to keep keys. It's totally predictable." Christian said as he walked up behind me.

I said nothing as I unlocked the door. Before I could push it open, Christian put his hand over mine.

He met my gaze and put a finger to his lips. He pushed it open himself and stepped inside. He turned to me and made a motion with his index finger that he was going to look around.

I stayed where I was. If Everett was there, I knew I was no match for him. I hadn't learned how to shift yet. I wasn't strong enough to protect myself.

But Christian was.

He was only in the house for a minute before he came back into sight again. "All clear. Do you want me to wait out here for you?"

I nodded. I could feel his eyes on me as I stared into the house and I didn't like the pressure it put on me. Even though I wasn't quite ready to go in, I stuck the key into my pocket and took the first step in.

The first step was the hardest anyway.

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