What Are You Trying To Prove?

Start from the beginning

"Yes," I confirmed.

Rudd leaned into me. I hadn't noticed the evil smirk he's sent Alex while doing so at the time. I was too focused on his cheek brushing against mine. I bit my lip, rolling it into my mouth. He whispered, "Can't wait," before he winked at me and walked away.

"Why'd you say yes?" Alex whinned.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know any other way to tell you I like him."

He scoffed, "Break the date."

The bell rang. I sighed and grabbed his hand. "Shit, we're going to be late for homeroom."

I waved my goodbyes to Jack and Ally, who were headed to the opposite side of the school. Alex and I walked in silence. I hated fighting with him. Especially over something this stupid.

Obviously he hated Rudd for a reason, but his track record of reasons to hate the guys I dated weren't so great. 'He's clingy', 'He's boring'. All things that I should decide about a guy, not him. We got into homeroom just in time with no longer than a second to spare before the teacher walked in. I sat down behind Alex.

I tapped Alex on the shoulder. He ignored me. I tried again, but he still didn't turn around. I sighed and leaned foward toward him.

"Alex, I'm sorry," I begged. I noticed his shoulders relaxed so I continued, "I didn't mean to upset you."

I saw the tip of his eyebrow raised from the side of his head. I sighed, "Okay, I meant to get you a little riled, but just to prove you wrong."

He turned ninety degrees to me. Our faces were close again. Given not as close as before, but the conversation had definitely become intimate.

"Prove me wrong about what?" he breathed.

I frowned. He really didn't know did he? "Alex, it really hurt when you said he couldn't like me for me."

He grimaced sadly, "I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."

"But not about what you said?"

"It had to be said."

I nodded, "But now he asked me out so now you know he does like me."

"I guess, still not sold on the idea of you two dating though," he mumbled.

I smiled. Alex wasn't thrilled, but he was going to be nice and that's what counted. I kissed his cheek with a smile, "Thanks, Alex."

"Welcome, babe," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. He had to stop calling me that, but I wasn't about to push my luck with him today.

The bell rang singaling the end of homeroom and the students shuffled out of the class. Alex and I walked side by side talking until we had to part way- to both of our displeasure, but Social Studies was one of my only classes without Alex.

Rian was in that class though and so was Rudd. So it may have been a good thing that Alex wasn't in that class. I took my seat in between Rudd and another boy I didn't know.

"Hey," Rudd smiled at me.

"Hey," I grinned back, "Are you ready for about forty minutes of unimportant stuff from the past."

He laughed, "Oh, I don't know. I think the past is very important. It can inspire a lot of what you do in the future."

I raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"

He smirked, "You'll have to wait until Saturday to find out."

 I giggled. The teacher walked into the classroom and started teaching. We were learning about World War 1. I couldn't event ry to pay attention today though. With Rudd next me I was distracted. I watched his muscle felix and then relax again.

Before I knew it I'd spent forty minutes thinking about Rudd and the bell was ringing.

"See you later," Rudd said getting up to walk away.

"Bye," I waved lazily and got up to meet with Rian.

"You know Rudd?" Rian asked.

"Yeah, you?" I responsed sort of dazed out by the lazy period I'd just had.

He nodded, "Yeah, Alex dated his little sister for a while."

My jaw dropped, "What?"

He raised an eyebrow, "I thought you knew."

"I did not," I said baffled. Alex dated Rudd's sister... How did I not know this? I thought back I remembered Alex getting a black eye a little while ago. He said it was from a girl's brother... oh. "So the black eye's why Alex doesn't like him?"

Rian scoffed, "That and-."

"Hey," Alex stole me under his arm.

"Hey," I forced a smile. I loved getting to see Alex again, but I really wanted to hear what Rian had to say.

"Ready for Calc?" he asked.

I nodded. The second Alex turned his head I looked over to Rian. I mouthed 'we need to talk' and he nodded before walking off to his next class.

"Can I help you get ready for your date on Saturday?" Alex asked.

I could only imagine how shocked I looked. I thought Alex wouldn't have wanted anything to do with my date. I stuttered out, "Y-yeah, okay. If you want."

"Great," he smiled.

A/N: So I think I'm going to do the next chapter in Alex's POV. What do you all think? Comment, vote, and fan!

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