Any Other Girl

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A/N: sorry it's been so long, don't kill me!

I slipped into my Social Studies seat and gave Rudd my best smile.

"Sorry about Saturday. Let me make it up to you?" I batted my eyelashes hoping he's forgive me.

He smirked, "And how are you planning to do that?"

I grinned, it sounded like he was going to forgive me. "You'll see," I said simply, really I had nothing up my sleeve.

"What were you grounded for anyway?" he asked.

"I was brought home by the cops," I whispered.

"What did you do?" His eyes widened.

I sighed, "A stupid prank with Alex. No charges were pressed though."

his tone became sexy, "Were you being a bad girl?"

I blushed. That was so embarrassing. I should've lied, but I'm sure this was getting around school once everyone saw Jack, Alex, and I cleaning off the Barakat's house like slaves and Alex and I being handcuffed didn't help stop that very accurate rumor.

My confidence and attitude towards Rudd shifted suddenly. "Even if I was what are you going to do about it?"

He looked taken aback, but continued. "I'll tell you what I'm going to do." A shiver ran up my spine as he said this. "I'm going to-."

"Hey, guys," Rian sat down next to me.

Rudd and I broke away from each other.

"Hey, Ri!" my voice was too high pitched. I cleared my throat. He raised an eyebrow quietly, but moved on. "Are you c oming to the concert Saturday?"

I nodded excitedly, "Totally, can't miss an All Time Low show!" I turned to Rudd, "Want to come?"

It may not seem like a great idea to bring Rudd to Alex's concert, but I think if Rudd saw Alex as part of his favorite band he'd be less stand offish and Alex would back down.

Rudd nodded, "That's our new date then?"

I smiled, "It's perfect!"

We had a sub so I'd continued the class talking to Rudd and Rian about the show. Rian didn't bother bringing up that he was in the band. I think he understood where I was going with it. He didn't seem to approve of the idea by the look on his face or maybe he just took Alex's side on the whole Rudd thing.

We left the class to find Alex waiting for me.

"Hey, babe," his grinned widened.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?" I lectured, but enjoyed hearing the word babe come out of his mouth when it was directed to me.

He threw an arm around me and walked me away from Rudd without me noticing. As always I felt so comfortable under his arm. He was really a softie when it came to me. Sure he'd argue, but I'd usually win. Even when we argue over petty stuff and his annoying it makes me follow.

Rian had tagged along for the walk away. "Alex, you'll never guess who Jules is inviting to the concert."

He pretended to think then rolled his eyes, "I'm stumped."

"Rudd," Rian  smirked.

"Rudd?" he looked down in surprise at me.

I elbowed Rian in the stomach. He groaned. I groaned, "It's not a big deal. He really likes you guys." I looked around, "Where is Rudd by the way?"

Alexturned his head back and I repeated the action. I saw Rudd standing at the doorway of our class with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. Alex smirk and I sent a little wave before we turned back around.

"Now I feel bad for leaving him," I pouted.

"Don't," Alex scoffed. I sent him a look so he added, "Angel, he's a big boy he can take care of himself."

I nodded and continued walking away with Alex.

Rudd's POV

I frowned as I watch Jules walk away with Alex without noticing I wasn't with her. He was making this too hard. I should've already dumped her already. She was supposed to be a casual fuck and that was it. I couldn't stand this girl. She was driving me crazy.

She was a challenge. Any other girl would've hopped in bed with me. What was wrong with her? I knew the answer to that; she had Alex. Protective Alex who she's seen hump and dump a thousand girls so she knows to stay away from me until she feels safe.

So I'll wait and wait and wait because nothing will hurt Alex more than hurting Jules. He was going to regret the day he'd hurt my sister.

A/N: so it's kinda short, but you see Rudd's true intentions and the next chapter is going to blow your mind. Rudd and Alex really get into it, I promise. What do you think of Rudd and Alex now? Comment, vote, and fan!

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