They're Called All Time Low

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A/N: Okay so this chapter starts off in Jules' POV but then goes to Alex's. Anyway Enjoy!

The day was going by too slow and Alex apparently agreed because he ditched nineth period. I guess what he and I didn't realize was that Rudd would be waiting outside my class.

I slide out of my desk when the bell rang and waited for Ally. We walked out together.

"Hey," Rudd smiled.

"Hi," I shyly smiled back, "You didn't have to wait for me."

"I wasn't. I left my ipod here," he laughed.

"Oh," I blushed. I felt my chest and face heat up. I must've been as red as a tomato.

Luckily for me Ally interupted us, "Well, if you're not waiting for her then we have to go because I'm sure Alex is." She sent him a smug, fake smile and grabbed my arm. She started walking us away.

"Wait a minute," he said exaggerating the 'wait' and grabbing my arm to pull me back, "Just because I didn't come to meet with you doesn't mean I don't want too."

I subtly pulled my arm away. I didn't like him touching me like that.

I smiled with a nervous laugh, "I don't know, Alex is mad enough at me I shouldn't keep him waiting."

"Oh, come on. He can hang on for a little bit, can't he?" he smirked but saw I wasn't completely sold on the idea so he added, "Besides I want to show you this band."

"Band?" my ears perked up.

"Yeah, band. Just let me get my ipod," he walked into the class and left me and Ally in the hallway together.

"What are you doing? Alex is picking you up and I'm taking your car home, remember?" Ally hissed.

"Relax, I just want to hear the band. If you're so antsy go to the car by yourself," I told her calmly.

She sighed, "Fine, see you in five."

"Don't worry. I'll be done in five minutes I swear. Tell Alex to wait for me," I promised.

She nodded and left just when Rudd came back. He handed me his left headphone.

"Here," he commanded and I stuck it in my ear, "It's a new band. Up and coming. My sister gave their music to me."

I instantly recognized the song. I'd heard it played live about a thousand times at least. Band practices, small concerts, I heard it all the time.

"They're called All Time Low," he smiled down at me.

Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Time Low Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora