Going Too Far

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A/N: Dedicated to KatieKat77 for messaging me a while back and motivating me to get off my butt and actually write! Also for the lovely comments about Rudd going away ;)


My phone rang interrupting Ally and my rant up Alex. I flipped it open and barked into the reciever. "What?"

"Wow," Rudd said jokingly, "Bad time?"

I cleared my throat and forced a laugh, "Sorry. I thought you were Alex."

"Are you guys fighting?" he asked sounding almost... hopeful.

"Sort of, but I just want to forget about he, you know? Are you deadset on the basketball game or can we do something else?" I asked.

"Something else," he sounded happy, "Yeah, I've got something in mind. I'll pick you up in an hour. I just have to do something first."

"What?" I demanded curiously.

"Paying a visit to an old friend," he said causally.

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "I'll be ready for you."

"Good." He hung up and so did I.

Alex's POV

"Alex," I heard Rudd call.

I turned around with this surprised look on my face and it quickly evolved into a glare. Rudd was standing there with his hands shoveled in his pockets. I scowled, "What are you doing here?"

"Come here and we'll talk."

I glanced back at the guys before taking off my guitar and walking over to Rudd. "What?" I asked straightforwardly.

"I heard you got into a little fight with Jules," He smirked and I felt my whole body tense.

"You've been talking to Jules?" I asked through clenched teeth. It was an automatic response.

"Yep," he said happily popping his 'p'.

"I'm not going to warn you again," I stepped closer to him threateningly, "Stay. Away. From Jules."

"I'm going to fuck Jules," he smirked sickly while he copied me from the concert last weekend, "and she'll like it. There's nothing you can do about it."

I snarled, "I'll kick your ass."

"I'm gonna go pick her up right now," he told me cockily, "Anything you want me to tell her?"

"Rudd!" I yelled and watched him walk away. "Fuuuuuck!" I screamed and the guys came running. I turned to them, "He's going too far."

Jules' POV

All I was wearing was a spaghetti strap tank top and high waisted black shorts... that Alex helped me pick out.

I sighed. Maybe I should go over to Rian's and apologize. He's just looking out for me in his own weird, twisted way. Rudd was so nice to me. There was no way that just because Alex slept with his sister he'd screw with me. That's his and Alex's battle. That Alex was taking too far. Rudd never said anything mean to Alex. As far as I know.

My phone beeped with a text. Rudd was outside. I left to go to his car when my dad sopped me. "Where are you going sweetie?" He clicked mute on the TV.

"Out with Rudd," I answered praying he'd let me go.

"The one Alex told us to keep you away from?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course he did," I grumbled.

My dad scowled, "Be back home by eleven."

I sighed, that was early, but I left anyway.

"Hey, babe," Rudd greeted me with a kiss. I hated being called babe.

I pulled back, "Where are we going?" I asked.

He started driving. "The beach."

I nodded. It was an odd time to go to the beach. Maybe he was being romantic. After all the sun was setting. When we got there we sat in the sand. His hand wrapped in mine. He pulled them up and I watched the sand pour out between our fingers. He brought his hand around my cheek. His other hand found the small of my back and pulled me forward to him. His lips dancing along my collarbone. He started to suck on my neck clearly aiming to leave a lovebite. My mind couldn't help but wonder if it was to show Alex later.

I shuttered at the thought of Alex being right, but Rudd took that as a testiment to his handy work on my lips now and laid us down on the sand. His hand that held my cheek previously slid down to my hip while his other hand raced up to entwine his fingers in my spaghetti strap.

"Rudd," I said into his mouth. Whether he ignored me or just didn't realize, I didn't know.

I placed my hands on his chest and shoved upward. His lips broke off mine. I gasped for breath. He smiled down at me, "What's wrong?"

I searched his eyes, but they were hard and impossible to read.

"It's just something Alex said..." I trailed off.

He sat up and place his knees on either side of me so he was stradling me. Then he ran his hands down to my fingers. He brought my arms up and pinned them above my head. I knew he was being sexy, but I didn't trust him enough for it not to be scary too.

"Yes?" he raised an eyebrow.

"He said... he just said that you were, you know, only getting with me because he slept with your sister," I laughed awkwardly hoping he'd say no and find the whole thing ridiculous.

He pursed his lips. "Well yeah."

My eyes widened and I thrashed against him trying to break free. He added pressure on my arms and I was forced still.

"Calm down," he demanded, "You were really hard, you know that? I had to work really hard to finally get you to go out with me. And I have a feeling that had more to do with Alex than you. I mean he's a total c-block. He really loves you. Have you even had sex or does he have you on a leash too short."

"I've had sex," I snapped, "Not that it's any of your business and Alex was right not to trust you after all."

He clicked his tongue, "It's been so long that I do actually like you now. So not only was I going to get the girl I liked, but it also had Alex burning out and running in circles."

I wanted to defend myself. Say if it bothered Alex that much I wouldn't have gone near Rudd, but that was a lie because I knew how Alex felt and I still went and got myself in this situation. I figured Alex was just jealous. I'm jealous of the girls he dates after all.

"What kind of best friend are you by the way? He kept trying to warn you," he pouted sarcastically and tilted his head to the left, "And now look where we are? You're stuck here and Alex can't help you now."

"That's not exactly true," A male voice said from above us. I saw a fist fly out and hit Rudd, knocking him back off me. I scrambled to my feet falling back into the guy. Alex.

I hugged onto his chest, but he moved me back, "One sec."

He walked up to where Rudd was laying on the ground. He scowled down at him. "I told you to back the fuck off." Alex growled and slammed his foot into Rudd's stomach.

Rudd flipped over onto his back in pain, coughing. I winced, that's got to hurt.

Alex pulled me under his arm and whispered into my ear, "Do you believe me now?"

"Don't brag... but thanks," I smiled.

"Anytime," he grinned lovingly back down at me.

And that's how despite Alex being my best friend and a huge player, I loved him.

A/N: Okay, so opinions on Rudd? Alex? Jules? Tell me, tell me, tell me! Comment, vote, and fan!

Manage Me I'm A Mess (All Time Low Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora