The elemental master

Start from the beginning

Kyoka: Yeah, and that's what separates us from monsters like you.

But then shiki gets beck up smirking with a look of insanity

Shiki: Hahahaha it's not over! If you think I'm a monster you're wrong, I AM A DEMON! I'm

But he tries to launch a fireball but all that appears is a spark

Shiki's expression twists into one of frustration and confusion as his powers fail him one by one.

Shiki: No... this can't be happening!

Nagisa and Kyoka exchange a glance, realizing that something is amiss. They cautiously approach Shiki, ready for any sudden movements.

Nagisa amused: What's wrong, Shiki? It seems like your powers aren't working like they used to.

Kyoka also amused: Did you push yourself too far? Aww this is such a shame

Shiki's eyes dart around nervously, his once confident demeanor crumbling before their eyes.

Shiki: It's not possible... I should be unstoppable! I had everything under control!

Nagisa: Maybe you were wrong. Ever though of that

Kyoka: You can't force the elements to bend to your will they are nature and well bad things happen when humans have tried to fight against nature

Shiki staggers back, the weight of his failures crushing him.

Shiki: No... I refuse to accept this!

With a final desperate cry, Shiki lashes out one last time, but his attack fizzles out into nothingness.

Nagisa: It's over

Then something strange happens Shiki starts to have a seizure

As Nagisa and Kyoka watch in stunned silence, Shiki's body begins to convulse violently, his screams echoing through the arena. The air crackles with energy as his form is engulfed in a swirling vortex of fire, water, earth, and wind.

Nagisa: What's happening to him?

Kyoka: I don't know, but it doesn't look good.

Nagisa: Ugh of course this is happening to us

Shiki's cries reach a crescendo as the elements surge around him, tearing at his very essence. His body contorts and twists, unable to contain the immense power he had sought to wield.

With a final, agonizing scream, Shiki's form erupts in a blinding flash of light. The elements burst forth from him in a spectacular display of raw energy, illuminating the arena with their brilliance.

As the light fades, Shiki's lifeless body slumps to the ground, his once vibrant eyes now dull and lifeless. The air is heavy with the weight of his greed and ambition, a stark reminder of the consequences of seeking power at any cost.

Nagisa and Kyoka stand in silence,

Nagisa: this is the price for greed I suppose

Kyoka: Yeah I suppose you're right but he definitely deserved this right?

Nagisa nods: Absolutely he was too dangerous too be left unchecked this would've happened without a doubt 'he places a hand on Kyoka's shoulder' you wanna go home?

Kyoka nods: yeah

Nagisa gives Cecil a call

Nagisa: Cecil it's over

Cecil: Good but we have a problem

This alerts both of them

Kyoka: What's happening now?

Cecil: Rex, Rae and Kate went to fight the lizard league and well this time they didn't suck and well it's best for you to find out for yourselves, but for now good job on the victory what happened

Nagisa: Alright essentially to sum everything up the creator was the son of scar face you remember him right

Cecil sighed: you're kidding right?

Kyoka: Nope and he had all the powers of the previous androids who are former humans

Cecil: sick bastard

Kyoka: Yeah but right now he's lying on the floor the price for greed the powers either overwhelmed him or more likely he wasn't built for them and they destroyed him

Cecil: Price for greed indeed ok head over you guys see you soon

They hang up

Nagisa: Well we've got one more stop before we go home

Kyoka: of course

They fly off

And that's a wrap

Love doing this story 

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