Jungkook wanted him to go with jimin,go to the hideout but taehyung had insisted he wanted to stay with him fight by his side...he tried to convince him,but taehyung stood his ground....and there was no winning that....

"Get ready"....the king ordered....took a deep breath in then let out the stones in front of him....they were in the air,their energies in different shades encircling them...as the royal decided to play with their hands...looking serious as if they were about to indeed lock the stone....a wave of black smoke come in front of them....it came too fast that no one noticed it....and before they knew it,the stones were gone....

"Damn it".....Jungkook let out....

"Ah ah ah aha ah".....

They all turned to the sound...and as expected, the master was right in their presence with the stones in his hand...he was able to snack it...but they were sure they would get it back in no time....no...they don't even need it...cause it not the real one...they are fake....the seer had help them create fake stones.....a stone that doesn't represent them at all...though their energy was in them....it meant nothing and in few hours time...they would loose their glow....

"Hand it back"....the king commanded...but Master was not giving in,Instead he was laughing evily....

"You don't expect me to bow and return this to you....do you?"....he couldn't stop his laughter cause why on earth would he give up what he built his life only on....there's no way his letting go of it....

"This is finally mine..it now mine to keep"....he added admiring the stone in his hand...also imagining how strong he would become when he performs the ritual....

"Give it back or else.....Lord aqua tried to speak but was cut short....

"Or what?"....he teased..his face full with wide grin as he kept tossing the stones in his hand....

"Taking this from you would make you completely useless....but don't worry I won't let you suffer to death....you will all die here".....he said smirking....

"And you think you can do that"....the queen fired...raising her shoulder up proudly....thinking the mask man would somehow show a different emotion rather than his shitty smiles but no...his smile grew bigger......

"I wont be doing that".....he said calmly....

"But if it necessary...I might step in to do just that"....he chuckled....and it clear he was a complete psychopath....

"No time to chit chat....quick get the stones"...the king commanded and the royals were quick to take action only that before they could get to the mask man....arrows were shot their way....

Dark magic came prepared....that was clear...but then,they also didn't plan this for nothing....

They avoided the arrows...sent it back to the attackers and one by one they were falling....

Taehyung's skills had also improved so much that the royals were glad he stubbornly followed them....

The king,Lord Aqua and Lord Aeris decided to face the man with the mask except he was not alone....the minster of war was with him and he had the king's soldiers behind him....

Joon yuk expect them to be shocked seeing him but they weren't...instead they were prepared to fight....and he began to think if all of it was a trap....

"Soldiers attack".... nevertheless he  commanded but the soldier didn't move.....

"Attack"....he repeated but they stay rooted....

"I said attack"....highly frustrated...he yelled and yet they still did not respond....

"Attack"....a word from the king and they were quick to get to action....

KINDRED SOULS(taekook)✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora