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Taehyung kept tossing from his right side of bed to his left...the incident last night was damn hard to put at the back of his mind...

He didn't get enough sleep,just thinking of a certain ravenette...

Why does his heart beat always go wide when ever he's in close proximity with the prince....

The prince was said to be in his mother's chamber,as usual early morning to eat her meal...leaving him less busy...

He sat up from his bed...did his daily routine then made his way to his favorite spot in the palace....

Only to be stopped half way by the chief cook Jin,the brother he never had...since his arrival...the brunette has been treating him right...always guiding and teaching him the way of the palace...

"Lady Mina is sick,I brewed this herbs for her but there is no one to take it,everyone is busy..please can you take it to her?...the brunette asked politely...

"Sure hyung,give it here"...the white haired said,while extending his hand to hold the glass jug..

"When you get to Aqua residence,tell them it a message from the royal kitchen"...

"Okay"...he bowed then made his way out of the palace...not far from the palace,on the right,was aqua's huge mansion....

"A message for Lady aqua,from the royal kitchen"...taehyung said while showing the guards, guiding the aqua mansion his tag...after confirming it real,they let him in...

The white head felt his jaw dropped...the most beautiful scenery he has ever set his eyes on....outside the residence was huge but that was it..inside well,was something else....

Flowers of different shades,types were planted all around the surroundings....a beautiful pool was by his right hand and a big tree by it side...the branches serving as shade to the pool...

Suddenly the flowers on the tree began to bloom more....the ones surrounding the place waving it petals...

Taehyung smiled,realizing they were welcoming him..he understands flowers language alot but he couldn't help but wonder why they were silent....

"Who are you"...he heard someone called...

He turned his head at the voice and was met with a middle age lady in pink hanbok...

"Taehyung from the royal kitchen,am here to drop this for lady aqua"...the white haired answered politely with a little bow of head....

"Oh okay....I will lead you,come"...

With another bow...he followed right behind her,admiring the aqua residence as they walked deeper....

"Her room is over there,I will leave now"...the lady said while pointing at a magnificent quarters,with LADY AQUA tittle on it...

Bowing again and thanking her...taehyung walked towards the quarters...he was stopped by some guards,to whom he explained his message for....

"We are still on it honey"....

"B..but what if he's really died,it been long"...

Taehyung didn't mean to eavesdrop..after the guards had asked him to go in..he made a pause not knowing what to do...was he to knock or announce his presence..since no guard was going to do that....

"The seer won't say he's alive if he's not"...

Not wanting to stand there listening to their conversation anymore he announced his presence....

"Come in"....he heard a deep voice...

Slowly he opened the door,then made his way inside...

Infront of him on a bed making was lady aqua...even when sick she still look gorgeous...beside her was her handsome husband, who's feature is full of worries...

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