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   The coronation ceremony finished late,it was around dinner time so the family gathered in the royal dinning for dinner....

The queen had asked the white haired to feed them about his life outside the palace while which the other gladly did....

He told them the only loving people he had was a grandma who owns a flower garden and Hoseok his best friend....

He explained how he wasn't treated well,how he wasn't allowed to learn with his other siblings,but his grandma has always been his teacher ....told them he would snick around as a kid with Hoseok,the only friend he had....they would play in the forest and out of it....until hoseok was taken away....

Which the king apologize for,remembering the other kid who was making a flower crown while his friend was practicing with a long stick....

Taehyung further explained how hoseok would still leave the palace to go see him,how he always run to his grandma when his home felt like hellhole....

He told them he had thought time without numbers if he truly belonged to his family as he never felt an ounce of love from them....

They gave him shelter, clothe him and that was it....the rest were things he sorted out himself....told them he never complained ,all he wanted was to be free,to escape and Hoseok had helped him with that....helped him become the royal kitchen maid ...

By the time he finished his story,it was damn late....

The royals felt sad but nevertheless happy that they found him....they would provide him with everything he wants.....he was a royal...he was a part of them....

Due to the late hour, jeon jungkook lost his chance to tell the other how he felt....he wasn't even allowed an alone time with the white haired as their family won't leave his side....he returned to his room with an heavy heart ....hoping he could make the other his soon....

When morning came,the prince was quick to rise from bed,he had thought about it all night,and he had reasoned before telling taehyung how he felt,he should talk to his Ma first....

Done with his morning routine,he went straight to the Aqua mansion...on reaching there,the maid had inform him that she was in her garden...watering the plants....

Lady Aqua was shocked to see him,as it was too early,3 more hours before court meeting....she dropped the can she was holding then opened her arms for a hug....

Jeon jungkook heaved a sigh and Mina could tell something was wrong... without utterly a word....she led them to a small pavilion in the garden,sat in it and jungkook copied her action.....

"What's wrong kook"....she asked worriedly...held the prince's face in her palm...

Jungkook who's on nerves licked his lower lips unable to face the lady....the prince was never nervous around Mina,he finds solace in her and that's why he could open up to her....but today,he wasn't in the aqua mansion with her for their usual kook and Ma interaction....he was here as a boy in love...a boy in love with her son....

"Why ain't you saying anything?"....

The prince could sense the worry in her tone...and that is the least he wanted....

"It taehyung"....he muttered instead.... finally getting the courage to look at her....

"Okay...."......she drew....

He watched as she raised her brows,her forehead folding....

"He's not longer my sangung"....

Lady Mina studied jungkook's face,trying to read what it was and then relaxed getting it.....

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