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   "9 years of marriage, my wife and I had no child....we wanted one badly that we were ready to do anything to have one....

We were mocked,called names just because we couldn't bring forth a marriage almost fell off as our family wouldn't let us be...they wanted grandchildren so they blame our togetherness for the lack of it....

We were on the verge of giving up when a man,a man whose face was covered approached us....he told us he's aware of our situation and he was going to help...he told us about lady aqua....

She was carrying two babies,we had none....I felt envious....

He wanted us to make a deal....he was to give us one of the babies then take it back when it 12....

I wanted the baby forever and not to be snatched away but there's nothing I could do than to just accept the offer....

He told us the plan,told us a midwife would be injecting the baby with a deadly plant we know nothing about....he said the plant would stop the baby's beating heart,would make it look dead for 4 hours and an antidote was supposed to be given at that time,if not the baby would really die......

I and my wife was to wait at a nearby village with the antidote....he would bring us the baby at the given time and we were to feed it immediately then return home with it....

We had no idea how he did it,all we knew was that the baby arrived late,it was already 8 hours past....we fed it the plant but it didn't bulge....

The masked man was in rage,threatened us to keep our mouth shut....told us to burn the baby as it was of no use to him anymore and also gave us instructions on how to contact him if anything comes up......

My wife couldn't believe our plan failed,she wanted it so badly....wanted to shut the mouth of the people who kept mocking her.... she refused to burn it....with the hope that she could bring it back to life....

She searched for herbs,fed it but still the baby wouldn't breath....she shoved a bowl of water to it face and like magic it came to life....our joy knew no bound.....

That baby was you Taehyung.....we should have informed the man that you were alive but we wanted you,we wanted you as ours....we kept you a secret.....

Surprisingly my wife took in the year that follows and we considered you a blessing...

As time goes on,we began to regret our decision, how wrong it was to keep had white hair,you look nothing like us.... we were scared people would begin to ask questions so we kept you out of everything outside our home....

Your dreams and ability to communicate with plants isn't weird...we just dont want you to indulge in it....

We treated you bad because we wanted you to grow on your own,leave and never return to us....we wanted to save ourselves from you because we know how we would end if your family get to know about us....

All this while,we've been scared of both you and your family,forgetting that there was another danger lurking around....

At Tagung,I was there,I recognized him....
had no idea he was a part of dark magic....he's aware of your existence and I knew it was time to flee...but before doing that,I wanted to write you this....wanting to apolog........".....

The writing on the piece of paper was clear that Lee kihyun didn't get to finish....

The royals couldn't believe something like that happened under their nose and no one could sniff it out....

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