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  Taehyung woke up with a smile on his,he was going to start his duty as a sangung...

Memories of the other day just couldn't fly off his was his best day through out his stay in the palace....

The prince had took him to his training ground,displayed different things he could use his powers for and even elevated in his front....

Taehyung wished he was also a royal ,so he could elevate and do different things with his powers too..

More of it...the white haired couldn't get the image of the prince smiling and laughing out of his mind...

He looks damn handsome and the white haired find it difficult to look else where....

"Lord sangung"..he heard someone called....

Tying the rope to his sangung hanbok...he stepped out of his room..already knowing who it was....

"Good morning lord sangung"maid servant choi greeted..

"Good morning "...taehyung replied...

"This maids would accompany you from today"...she announced pointing at the 4 maids behind her...they were all holding a tray,each containing the prince body care....

Nodding his head and muttering a thank you,he watched as maid servant choi bowed her head then leave his quarters...

He stepped forward with the maids right behind him..they maid their way to the prince chamber...

On arrival,a guard announced their presence and not long a come in could be heard....

Taehyung stepped in after the door was opened
...he walked a little closer to the prince table then bowed his head...the maid mimicking his action...

"Good morning my prince"...he greeted..all this while not looking at the prince...

"You may all leave now,I will teach him what to do on my own"...the prince announces...confusing the maids..who nevertheless dropped the tray in their hands,made a bow then exit the room..

Taehyung turned his gaze from the maids who already exited to the prince who was already staring at him...

"Good morning tae"....

*Tae.....did he just called him by a nickname....

Taehyung's weak heart started to pick a not so steady pace...

The prince didn't just call him by a nickname...he was smiling at him!

"My prince"....taehyung hoped he was loud enough because even he couldn't hear his voice....

"Come,let me show you what to do"...the ravenette said walking towards his bathroom....taehyung followed right behind...

Few steps towards the bathroom,the prince stopped...halting the white haired's movement....

"You forget those"...the prince pointed out,still with a smile on his face....

Taehyung muttered a small sorry  then hurried towards the tray,packed them on each other then move towards the prince who was waiting....

They stepped into the prince bathroom and taehyung couldn't help the gasp that escape his lips..

It the crown prince bathroom after beautiful and spacious...there was a bathtub at the middle....filled with water...aside from that,there wasn't anything else except a rocking chair at it front....but it was magnificent...

"This water is from last night,the first thing you do is change it"....the prince instructed....pulled something that looked like a switch and within seconds the tube was empty....

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