46. Morning sickness

Start from the beginning

She was awake and in washroom already, so he decided to make some breakfast for her, she would be happy.

Karan opened the washroom door and she was in the shower with glass section around, he gulped and called her. 

Karan " mishh "

Teju " yes sunny "

Karan " I m downstairs, come soon "

Teju " okay "

He walked downstairs again and saw smi with sitesh, still arguing. 

Karan pulled smi with him " enough of fighting with him, throw him out tonight, now come and help me.. "

Smirti laughed at him and sitesh glared at him, muttering curses to his son in law.

Smi " what does my boy want now "

Karan " I want to make a light healthy sandwich for her. She already throw up, so that would make her feel better and some scrambled eggs may be and orange juice would be fine "

Smi " ohhooo.. so romantic " she said pulling his cheeks making him whine..

Karan ' now help me na.. What should I do "

She took the ingredients and he volunteered to chop the veggies and they prepared the mix first.  He prepared the sandwich and kept them for toast. 

Karan " Should we add some pepper in eggs "

Smi " no she doesn't like it that way. Just add some salt and saute it "

The scrambled egg was ready and he placed some dry fruits with them.  Smi was looking at him with pure admiration and he was now preparing for juice. 

Karan " I hope she likes it " he whispered and smi cupped his cheeks and wiped the sweat off. 

Smi " y wouldn't she, when you made it with all love.  Now plate it and get them to dining "

He nodded with a smile and they called everyone for breakfast. Teju came down getting ready in a beautiful salwar. 

He immediately took her in a hug
" how is my jaan feeling "

She smiled " much better and don't worry about me now. I love the flowers and thank you for keeping them, it was refreshing.. Did you sleep after that? "

He nodded no and she looked at him with concern, he said" I wasn't feeling sleepy, so I hit the gym and then went to buy some flowers and "

Teju " and "

He pulled her to dining and she looked at him as her vision falls on the plate , he made her sit " And I made this for you "

Teju " Sunny "

He took a seat beside and everyone smiled at them, smi " he made it himself, didn't even let me chop anything, now taste and tell us,

Meenu teasingly " look, the fearless commissioner is nervous for a breakfast now "

Karan scoffed at her and teju took a bite and she felt the taste buds going crazy with the crispy sandwich.

Teju " hmmmmmmm this is sooo good sunny "

He took a spoon of eggs and feed her, she loved everything and he made sure she complete the plate.

Teju " This is the best , thanks hubby"

She kissed his cheeks and the family hooted for them making him blush, but she didn't shy away.  He also had his breakfast.

Teju " are you going for tossa today " she asked when they were alone and he nodded.

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