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Days had passed since that dinner with Damian.

As she had promised, she interacted with him a lot more at school. He would eat with her, join her when she wasn't in the cafeteria, and buy her snacks when she spent her lunch studying at the library.

And whenever she was feeling quite overwhelmed, she would call him and he would pick up, no matter how late she called.

She mostly calls him when she feels she might have an attack and just talking to him is enough to prevent it.

They have grown quite close.

It was currently Friday. Classes were finished and most students had gone back to their respective places.

Anya was by her cubicle sorting her bag.

She had to meet with Agent Moon soon at headquarters and she didn't want to have too many items in her bag.

She had left everything she didn't need.

All she had in her bag was a textbook and a couple of notebooks for her homework.

She also had a folder inside containing everything related to her mission.

She had blueprints, papers, reports, and pictures tucked safely into that folder.

After closing her cubicle, she slipped on her coat and left her school shoes in the cabinets assigned to them across their cubicles.

As soon as they enter the school, they are required to change their boots into school shoes.

After making sure that she had left nothing important, she pushed the exit door open and stepped out, the cold immediately sending shivers down her spine.


"Apologies, Moon. How long have you been waiting?"

Anya asks as she enters the meeting room, placing her bag down on the floor.

Agent Moon was sat on a chair, clad in his usual black suit after having changed out of his day job attire.

"Not long. I had just recently arrived." He said, watching her scramble to take off her coat.

When she had managed to get out of it, she hung it on the back of her chair and sat down, trying to stay professional as best as she could.

She wasn't gonna embarrass herself in front of her senior after all.

Agent Moon is a young man. He wasn't much older than her. But he was one of the most respected agents in the organization. She didn't plan on  letting him know just how childish she actually is.

"Right then, shall we get started?"

She nods, reaching for her bag to pull out the blueprints.

"I had my best investigators go to the house the other day upon receiving your request. Based on their report, no one should be harmed. The wires and such are safe."

"And the cameras?"

Anya asks as she scans the photos Moon took.

"The type of camera is an old model. Most of it doesn't even work anymore so it shouldn't be a problem."

The telepath furrowed her brows.

"With all due respect, don't you think we should be more careful about this? This is Donovan Desmond we're talking about. We can't expect him to leave the broken security tools be."

She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed with an upset look on her face.

The man sighed.

"I thought about that. I told Handler but she had said that the solution is up to you."

Anya frowned.

Yet another burden was being placed on her shoulders. She hasn't even lifted the ones that make her life harder but there is a new one everyday.

She was tired of it. She loved her job as a spy but she's suffering. She dosen't know how much more of it she could take.

"Alright. What about the blind spots?" She asks, effectively changing the subject.

"The corner of the walls in which the cameras are placed is hidden enough that no one watching the cctv would catch you. There are spots behind posts and walls as well as the back of the building and the sides."

He says, pointing at spots ln the blueprint.

"However, since it's Donovan Desmond who will be occupying the building, we can expect that he will set up more cameras, making it much harder to hide."

Anya bit her lip in thought.

"What about the vents? Where do they lead?"

"These go to the bedrooms." He encircled two vents with a yellow highlighter that he got from his bag.

"This leads to an office spot," He quickly labels it, knowing that words would be much better to use rather than circles in the same color.

"And this one goes to the lobby. It's where the gala is most likely going to be held."

Anya nods along but sees one more vent.

"What about this?" She points.

"Ah, that goes to the bathroom."

Anya smirks slightly, a plan already forming in her head.

"There is also a backyard. It is not shown here as it was recently built but it could also be used to our advantage."

"How so?" She shifts in her seat, observing the blueprint carefully.

"There is a ladder that leads to one of the bedrooms. It won't be easy to go to the second floor unnoticed but if someone uses that ladder, it would be much more effective."

Anya looks up and sees a small grin on Moon's face, just as glad about it as she was.

"Someone could notice if one of our agents slip through the back door."

"Fences surround the backyard. They can easily jump over it."

Anya smiled, satisfied with what Moon had told her.

"Alright then. I believe that's all we have to discuss. I'll see you on our next meeting." She says as she stands up, placing the blueprint in her folder.

"Likewise." Moon bowed his head as Anya slipped her coat on.

"If you can, please investigate the neighborhood the house is in and the activity going on around it. We need as much information as possible."

"Yes of course."

Bowing their heads in a goodbye, Anya grabs her bag and leaves the room, a small grin on her face.


This was kinda short and lazily written but a chapter is a chapter🤷‍♀️. I'm not sure if I'll be able to update anytime soon cuz I have a lot of school work to do. Thank God it's almost the end of the year. See ya! ✌️

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