Part 58

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You enter the car the next morning with the scent of freshly baked pastry. Your eyes light up when you see the iced coffee, prompting Mr. Ri to let out a soft laugh and say that he picked them up on the way for you.

"Jungkook's got a packed day so I doubt he'd have time for breakfast and I assumed that meant you, too," he adds.

"Not really," you sigh. "He's keeping me to just turnover duties for my last weeks here. I doubt I'd be that busy. But breakfast is good. I woke up late so I managed to only grab some fruits."

"I think he just doesn't want you to be stressed. Saying goodbye is hard enough."

"I suppose... I guess I just hoped things would slow down a bit. But then again, I'm the one who abruptly resigned," you say. "No one was afforded time to process things, including me."

"It will sink in soon enough," he hums. "Especially once you see how things change."

"They have," you whisper, the sullenness in your eyes letting the other man know just how much. "And I have no right to wish they didn't, at least not this fast."

"Oh, ___," Mr. Ri turns to you with a sad smile. You can't imagine him being the cold and stoic man that CEO Jeon had described, one who only softened when your mother was around. "You do. Standing by our decisions means that we accept whatever the consequences are, not that we can't wish they were different. I'm pretty sure Jungkook feels that way, too. He's dealing with you leaving, but it doesn't mean he wishes you had to. And maybe... deep in your heart, you wished that not staying in the company didn't have to mean not being with him."

It's a thought you've had for a long time, but one you don't want to acknowledge. There's a lot of things you're still scared to face, including just how much you want him. You're afraid to break, to want to take it all back, and to realize just how much you're losing by letting all this go.

And like the family he's come to be, Mr. Ri reminds you that this pain you're feeling is part of the process of finding the happiness you've been yearning for.

"Sometimes we have to lose things for something so much better," he comforts. "'Better' could be a person or a state of mind. In your case, I think it's discovering that kind of strength you didn't know you had; it's that freedom that you wouldn't have otherwise felt even if you got together with Jungkook. For as long as you're in the company, you'll always feel burdened and that something's missing at the same time. You always needed this. And I should've encouraged you to be braver a long time ago."

"Then I wouldn't have met him," you say immediately, the thought breaking you, even if you tried to convince yourself it was better that you didn't. "He and I have pasts that intertwine and if we never met then there... there would be nothing of him I'd carry, there'd be no trace of him in me."

But you did meet. And now there's Jungkook in you - in your bravery, in your strength, in your silence. He's in your appreciation for art and design and love for disposable cameras and capturing good memories. You carry him with you, and the thought makes things hurt a little less. Maybe all that is why you got the courage to walk away in the first place. Maybe those could push you to find him again, too.

You're deep in your head that you don't realize you're already at Jungkook's building until Mr. Ri is calling your name. You exit, and right at the entrance, you see a well-dressed man with a bright yellow helmet on one hand and a scooter on the other, his smile brightening his whole face as he greets you. He's Lucas, he says, and you'd almost forgotten the purpose of why you're back here after almost a week.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ms. Cho. Although I wish it were for happier reasons," he says, his face softening.

"It's happy enough," you smile. "You're living abroad like you said you wanted to, and this is career advancement for you. They're all good things."

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