Chapter 1

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i got bored while waiting for covers so i'm posting the first chapter without one lolz. if ur interested in making covers for Crimson Eyes and Violent Eyes let me know, i have to put the poll up soon to let you freaks vote on your favorite.

The past two weeks had been a blur. Ever since Shigaraki was killed nothing felt real, like it was all some dream I'd wake up from at any second. I still freaked out every time my phone buzzed and I struggled to be in my room alone, but I was working on it.

By working on it, I meant never being in my room without Eijirou or Katsuki. We'd pretty much been attached at the hip, unbeknownst to my mother, who had no idea anything had even happened. We snuck through each other's windows every night, all three of us sleeping in one bed.

Uraraka, Todoroki, and Shinsou had flown back home a few days after the incident. Dabi had stayed true to his word and taken care of everything, so I had yet to see any news covering Shigaraki's death. The everyone else in the world, he was still hiding somewhere.

It was the first Friday of the second semester and I had just gotten back from school. Eijirou had given me a ride, and both he and Katsuki wanted to hang out. They spent a few hours at my place, all of us cuddled up on the couch with some shitty Netflix horror movie.

We were about to start the second one when I heard my front door open. I reflexively tensed in Katsuki's hold, leaning back against him while my legs were draped over Eijirou's lap. The blond calmly ran his hand up and down my arm as I heard my mother call out for me. "Just your mom," he whispered, placing a soft kiss against my temple. He'd gotten more openly affectionate recently, but neither Eijirou nor I commented on it. Life and death situations tend to change things.

"Izuku?" my mother called again. "Are you home?"

"In here," I said, watching as she turned the corner into the living room.

"Oh," she said with a surprised smile. "I didn't know you boys were here."

My mom had really warmed up to Eijirou and Katsuki in the last two weeks. After the whole fake break-up thing, we'd obviously 'gotten back together', and Mitsuki had invited my mother and me over for dinner. Oddly enough, it was actually kind of fun. Mitsuki and my mom were basically best friends already, and I even got to meet Katsuki's dad. He was the calm to his son's and wife's storms.

"Sorry," I said with a sheepish smile. "I forgot to shoot you a text."

She waved it off because apparently, she was willing to bend her set-in-stone rules for my boyfriends. I wasn't going to complain. "Oh, don't worry about it. But they'll have to leave for dinner, I have something to talk to you about."

By that point in time, I knew exactly what my mother sounded like when she was about to lecture me about rule-breaking, and this wasn't it. It almost made me more nervous, because if she wasn't going to yell at me, what could she possibly be kicking the boys out for?

"Not a problem, Inko," Eijirou said with his dazzling smile that usually got him anything he wanted. "Kats and I have a project we have to work on anyway." It was a total lie, I knew that, but my mother didn't. He just came off as a hardworking student, totally fishing for brownie points from her.

My mother nodded her head with a pleased smile, excusing herself to start on dinner.

As soon as I knew she was out of earshot, I turned to the redhead. "You little liar," I accused, nudging one of my knees into his ribs.

"It was a polite lie," he defended, holding his hands up in surrender. "She always feels guilty when she has to kick us out." He was adorable, and sweet, and the most considerate person I had ever met.

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