Chapter 21

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~ ◇ Narrators POV ◇ ~

Its now a new year as Maisie begins her sixth year at Hogwarts. Lots of things have happened. One thing is how there has been a transfer student this year. Who unfortunately is Mattheo Riddle's girlfriend. Rosalie-Heart Whitlock a new transfer student from Ilvermorny, turned heads as she walked into the Great Hall to be sorted.

"Hmmm strong willed.... Intelligent... Resourceful... Brave.. I would have to say.. RAVENCLAW," the sorting hat yelled. Causing the Ravenclaw table to shout and cheer.

"Typical," Maisie says rolling her eyes.

"Mai, honey don't hate. She seems nice."

"I don't know Pans. She seems like she will be trouble," Maisie replies while looking at the black-haired girl elegantly walking to her new house table.

"Mai, jealousy is not your color. You are the one taking time away to heal, which is healthy and the best thing you could do for yourself. Plus you even encouraged him to date like a dumbass and now that he found someone who, I am going to be completely honest, is a really good match. You get pissy? No hun, fix that attitude," Pans advices.

"Ugh, I hate you. But, you are right I guess."

"I always am, get use to it," Pans replies winking at Maisie. Causing them both to laugh.


The next day as Maisie heads to class, she looks up from fixing her robe to see Mattheo looking into Rosalie's honey colored eyes and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before kissing her. Feeling an ache in her chest, Maisie stiffens her face and walks past them with a neutral expression.

"Wait! You're Maisie right?"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Maisie turns around and is now a few inches away from Rosalie.

"Uhm, yes I am? You are?" Maisie says with a judgmental look plastered on her face.

"Hi, um I am Rosalie. I heard so much about you, its nice to meet you," Rosalie states with a kind smile, sticking her hand out.

"Yeah.. I don't know about nice. Don't you Americans know who I am? I don't shake hands with Mud bloods, thanks." Maisie insults keeping her hand beside her, looking at the kind girl up and down.

"Mai, what the fuck?" Mattheo interjects.

"No, love it's okay. It's funny seeing how stuck up this girl is. Just for your information. My family is all pureblood and one of the most richest, powerful family in all of America. What is yours? Slaves to my boyfriends dad? How cute," Rosalie defends.

Maisie gets noticeably upset and walks away from the duo heading to her first class. Who the fuck is this bitch? Maisie thinks to herself as she enters Charms. She sits down next to Blaise since Pansy's first class is Care of Magical Creatures with Draco.

"Darling? Why are you looking so upset?"

"Well maybe because Mattheo's little bitch is annoying."


"No, Blaise don't start. I have had enough of Pans also telling me. She is just weirdly too perfect. Like who let this Ameri-"

"Maisie that is enough. All of us have heard you complaining all summer. You don't even know the girl and you made your choice. If you are that upset talk to him about it, but don't be out here acting like an entitled bitch. She isn't Astoria. So please, respectfully, I love you. But, shut the fuck up," Blaise interrupts.

Maisie stays quiet for a few moments. She silently gets up and leaves the class without Professor Flitwick looking. She walks down the quiet hall and find the one spot her and Harry would talk when they needed an escape. Mum, I wish you were here. She silently cries.

"Whoa there? You good darling?"

As Maisie looks up her eyes instantly darken and dry's up.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing more than to see if you are okay," Nicholas says as he lifts Maisie up onto her feet.

"Well I am fine. Where's your little girlfriend?"

"Mai, me and her ended months ago."

"Oh, well good for you," she walks away.

"Wait," he interjects grabbing her hand, pulling her back.

They stare at each other for a moment. Maisie's stomach begins to flutter as she hasn't felt his touch in a long time. His ocean blue eyes became more glistening and his short black hair became a little longer, the curls framing his face perfectly. Damn. she thought, all her feelings she thought were gone, rushing back.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to Madam Puddifoot's to catch up and drink some calming tea," He offered still holding onto her hand.

"Oh, uhm. Nicholas I don't-"

"If its about your mum, I completely understand but if you want it can just be as friends," He interrupts.

"You know what, why not. Sure, Col we can go get tea," Maisie states.

"But, not as friends," She whispers into his ear. Giving him a small kiss on his cheek before winking and walking away.

What Nicholas didn't realize was the tall brown curly-haired boy standing down the hall, watching the whole thing.

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