Chapter 7

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He rolls his eyes at my exaggeration. Looking at me annoyed and frustrated with his arms crossed.

"Took you long enough"


"Guys, I've never felt more free. Things will be so much easier for me to handle now. You guys can stop worrying, I'm perfectly fine."

I'm definitely not fine.

"Mai, you guys have been together for 3 years and you are not even the slightest bit devastated?"

"Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Pansy, you can talk to us you know, I mean you don't have you bottle it all up. We are here for you." Blaise added.

"Like I said I'm fine. I'm not bottling anything up."

Okay yeah I might be.

"I have prepared myself for this already.  My father definitely wouldn't have approved of us anyway, even if he is a pureblood it wouldn't help that he is a Hufflepuff and is not a believer of No Nose. We had our fun and that's it."

The thing is that we weren't just fun. We were in love. He was the Yin to my Yang. The Positive in the Negative. The Light into my Darkness.

"Okay Mai, we were just making sure. We love you so much, we are here for you." Pansy says while putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, if you need us we will be in the library studying Herbology." Blaise adds while wrapping his arms around me comfortingly.

"Thanks guys." I say putting a fake smile on my face.

Once they start to walk away, I drop my smile. I start to walk toward the only other place that makes me feel safe and comfortable.


*knock knock*

*The door opens slowly*

"Who the bloo... Oh. Hey sis."

"Hey Dray, can I come in? Please."

"Yeah of course."

I enter the room and sit on my brother's bed. I look down at my hands. I start picking at the little skin around my nails.

"Mai, you alright?"

I start to feel the tears welling in my eyes. I nervously look up catching my brother's worried look. I look back down and shake my head slightly.

I feel the mattress sink a little. I get pulled into a hug. I let the tears flow now. My brother always knows what I need to help me feel better.

"No worries Mai, I got you. You can tell me when you are ready. All I need to know is if I need to crucify anyone"

I let out a light giggle and hug my brother tighter.

"No, you dont need to crucify anyone. It's just that something happened two weeks ago, the day that I got the mark, Blaise and Pans found out because well we are all death eaters so they had to know, I would have told you sooner, but it got really overwhelming for me and I didn't want to tell anyone but then seeing....."

My rambling gets cut off by the tears starting to run down my cheeks. My voice starts to get more hoarse.

He pulls away from the hug, wiping away my tears, then gestures for me to continue. I calm my breathing so he can understand what I am saying.

Broken?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora