Chapter 18

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~ Mattheo POV ~

"NO... uh nooo... not at all Pans, you know what u just reminded me of.... that we have transfiguration homework! Yeah! Got to go!" Mai states. Speed walking away from the awkward predicament she found herself in.

Damn it, I was too forward wasn't I.... Eh if it wasn't for Pansy I probably would have gotten an answer.

"Damn it Pans, I was so close."

"I'm so sorry, in my defense though, how was I suppose to know you were planning on kissing her and telling her how you felt..." Pansy tried to state her case.

"It's alright Pans, just let me think about this a little more, I just want to make sure she feels loved and that I tell her at the right time. I guess the time isn't right yet."


Merlin, I hope I didn't ruin things.. or rushed things with her. I just want everything to go perfectly.

As I enter my dorm, I take out the notebook that holds the plans I have for Maisie and I. Before I can put down another idea, I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in. What the fuck are you doing here," I say as my anger rises.

"Muffalito..... Listen Mattheo, you know why I am here," Nicholas states as he walks towards me.

"No the fuck I don't. You are not welcome into my room."

"Oh but you did when you told me to come in though."

"What do you want?" I ask.

"A favor. You owe me one remember."

"Like bloody hell I do."

"Don't marry Maisie, in fact stay far away from her," Nicholas commands.


"Don't try me Riddle. You know the power I posses, I'm telling you right now get away, or you will regret it," he threatens.

"You are right about one thing in that statement, I'm a motherfucking Riddle, I'm staying with Maisie and you are not going to do shit about that. Now get out of my room before I make you," I threaten as I grab my wand and point it towards him.

"Oh riddle, you won't know what is about to hit you," he says as I watch him slowly leave my dormitory with a smug smile.


OMG you guys!!! Why do you think Nicholas wants him to stay away? Why was Mattheo so upset when he saw this dude? Sorry the chapter was short, I made it a filler because I wanted you guys to see a bit more of Mattheo's point of things. Also to give you guys something a bit calm before the next chap. I have a feeling like things are about to get real really soon.....

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