Chapter 1

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Lil bit of torture and use of
a blade


"Dobby, as I had stated before, there's no need to be scared of entering my room. Don't listen to my father, I'll ensure he never finds out. You have always been so kind to me..."

I suddenly get cut off by my father's yelling, although I can't hear what he's saying.

"Dobby may you please leave while I make sure everyone stays clear of my father. I'll talk to you later." I ask.

"Of course young mistress," dobby replies leaving the room.

Oh, when will he learn to just call me Mai. I sigh while heading to my door. I slightly open the door and continue to hear the roars of the disgruntled man below.

"Draco get your arse down here now!!" I hear my father yell. Should I even consider him a father? He doesn't bloody act like one. All he ever does is bitch and moan about this Sirius criminal, who might I add looks kinda hot.

I get pulled back out of my thoughts as I hear a deafening scream. I stumble down the steps, almost flattening my face on the wooden floor.

I could care less because all I know is that the scream is Draco's. I could never allow Draco to be hurt, even if he is only two minutes older than I am.

Father held a muggle beer, dripping down his beard every time he took a drink. Damn, the bastard is drunk. This will be dangerous if I don't handle this correctly.

"Father, what are you doing?" I ask softly, trying not to anger him more.

"Maisie Malfoy, up to your room this instant. I'll deal with you later," he mumbles.

"What did Draco do wrong?"

"You stupid, stupid girl. I said leave! I'm tempted to give you the worst of a punishment!" He yells, getting more aggravated.

"Yes sir..." I reply. I look over my father's shoulder to see Draco whimpering on the ground, shaking uncontrollably in his skin. "Did you use the Crutacious curse on him?!" I ask, scared shitless.

"Leave!" Father's eyes widen in anger. Small cuts split down Draco's hands and sewed again. Blood slowly begins to drain through his black robe onto the wooden floor, seeping through the cracks. I gulp audibly before leaving poor Draco. I run to my mother's room.

"Mum, you must help Draco! He's using the Crutacious on him!"

"What!?" Mother asks shocked. I grab her hand as we rush down the hall to the steps.

"Lucius Malfoy, what is the meaning of this?" Mother asks, grabbing onto father's shoulder. He turns around furious, slapping my mother across the face and sending her toppling to the ground. He looks over to me, glaring with full hatred.

"You told your mother" he sneers. I start feeling guilty for bringing my mother into this. After all, she was supposed to help Draco. Now she could do nothing more than cover the red handprint on her cheek.

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