Chapter 4

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Once we enter the room of requirement we are hit with the blaring music, the smell of firewhiskey and cigarettes. I take in the scenery of the party.

Already used to seeing drunk couples making out, and others doing drugs and drinking, I take my boyfriend's hand and head to where our friend group always hangs out.

"Hey guys." I say as we approach everyone.

"Merlin! Mai, you look great!" Theodore says prolonging every word while continuing to drink firewhiskey.

"Nott, I think you should be cut off man. You are drunk as hell and the party barely started 20 minutes ago." Blaise says carefully taking the drink from Theo's hand.

"Let's get you a cup of coffee to sober you up a bit."

"Ohhh I love coffee. " Note replies in a sing-song voice while stumbling towards Blaise.

As they walk away, I tell Col to get us some drinks. I sit on the couch across from Pansy and Draco. We start to have a few conversations. After a couple of minutes pass, I start to wonder why Col is taking so long?

"Mai looks like you got some company." Pansy says moving her eyes to look behind me.

As I turn around I flinch, feeling a cold liquid run down my face leaving a burning sensation. I open my eyes to see no other than Astoria fucking Greengrass with an empty red cup in her hand.

"Awwww you going to cry bitch? This time I'm going to make sure you learn your lesson." She says to me while laughing with Millicent.

I hear Draco start to calm Pansy down.

"Pans it's ok. It's Mai, she can handle herself."

"You're joking right? She just threw vodka in my best friend's face!" Pansy says projecting her anger on Draco.

"Nah, Pans I'm fine." I say while getting up slowly.

I look into Astoria's eyes and lick the remaining liquor off my mouth. I can tell she's not as confident now since I'm completely calm.

Everyone at the party is now dead silent watching our every move.

"Mmmm now that's some good liquor. I would have liked it in a cup but this is so much better, thanks." I say slowly walking up to her.

I can see her gulp and grab Millicent's hand. She backs up a bit. I can see the fear in her eyes. I am now a few inches away from her face. I whisper into her ear.

"You are going to regret waking up today."

With that threat, Astoria turns around and try's to run. She doesn't get far however because I grab a chunk of her hair and yank it back.

I can hear the crowd start to say things to me but I ignore it. Running on the adrenaline and power I now feel, I continue to punch her repeatedly.

I can feel the warm liquid running down my hand. I feel so empowered. Maybe even excited? Something clicks in me. Something takes over me. I don't feel in control.

I can't stop. I keep hitting her over and over until I feel myself being pulled off of her. I see the blood that is now splattered all over me, all over her face. Everything stops. I start to feel control over myself again.

I can hear someone trying to talk to me. I drown them out and look at the unconscious body on the ground. Why would I do that? How could I do that?

"Maisie, are you listening to me? We have to go! Look at me!"

I turn my head to see that it's Mattheo.

"Damn it Malfoy!"

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