Chapter 2

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"I'd give you a nasty look but I see you already have one." I say while rolling my eyes and looking back at Pansy, not caring for his response.

"You Bitch..." Mattheo starts, but is cut off by a yell.


All three of us turn our heads to see Nicholas rushing toward us. "Where were you? I didn't see you in the common room. We were supposed to meet up, remember?" He says worriedly.

"Hey sorry Col, I forced her to come with me to breakfast since I didn't want to go alone." Pansy says looking up from her plate.

I look up at Col and smile. He is the person I have fallen in love with. He is so sweet and kind. How did he fall for me? How did I get the most sensitive and perfect guy?

"Hey cute boy" I say looking at him. His lips turn up into a smile as he looks down at me. He leans down and places a delicate kiss on my cheek as if it was glass. He doesn't even acknowledge Mattheo until he speaks up.

"Of course you would date a Hufflepuff just as weak as you. Looks like you found your match Lothaire."

What I didn't expect was for Col to stand up and look at Mattheo. "Do you have a problem?" Col asks.

"Who gave you the right to speak to me? Do you know who my father is?" Mattheo scoffs.

"I don't give a fuck about your father. He is dead and doesn't give a damn about you just like everyone here. So if you have a problem then just leave." Col says to him narrowing his eyes, his face contorting with disgust.

"I would leave, however, your pathetic girlfriend-" he gets cut off by Col throwing a punch at his face.

"Don't you ever call my girlfriend pathetic. Leave her alone and mind your own fucking business." Col spits.

Mattheo gets up and tries to throw a punch, his body running on adrenaline and anger. I watch as Col dodges it immediately and punches Mattheo square in the face, but this time we all hear a crunch.

Mattheo stumbles back a bit with blood running down his nose, surprised at the force he was hit with. Meanwhile Col walks over to me to ask if I'm okay.

I'm about to respond when suddenly Mattheo connects his fist with Col's cheek and pushes him. Col immediately regains stability and goes for Mattheo's face again. After some circling Col hits Mattheo causing him to lose balance and fall to the floor. Col quickly goes down and try's to pin Mattheo on the ground. He fails and both start to try and hit one another.

Pansy and I are stunned in place by how quickly everything is happening. I study the boy's faces and both seem to be equal with the almost same amount of cuts and bruises forming. Pansy and I finally have enough when we see Col start to dominate and begin to choke Mattheo with his right hand while bringing his left hand to his pocket. I pull Col off of Mattheo and I begin to take him away from the scene, leading him to the dungeons to clean him up.

I look back for a moment to see Pansy pointing a finger at Mattheo in a threatening way and leading him to the hospital wing.

Once we enter my dormitory I take Col straight to the bathroom. I hop up and sit on the counter next to the sink so that I can reach his face. He has a cut on his nose with blood running down it, a small bruise on his cheek, and small cuts on his knuckles. I reach for the first aid kit that's hidden in a mirror and grab a few alcohol wipes. I then move to grab an ice pack that is charmed to stay cold and hand it to him.

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