Chapter 17

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~ Narrators Pov ~

After taking in Harrys advice, Maisie decided to go and talk with Mattheo. She walked to the Slytherin dungeons, nervous about how this will go, she finally made it to the boys dormitories.

"Mattheo? Can you let me in please, we need to-" Maisie cuts herself off as she hears muffled yelling coming from inside the room.

"Huh... the Muffalito spell.." she says to herself.


Since Maisie was unable to speak with Mattheo, she headed towards her dorm. As she opens the door, she notices no one there and heads towards her bed. When she sits, in surprise she yelps, as someone apparates into her dorm.

"Maisie we need to go, NOW!" Draco demands.

"What? Why! OW LET GO OF ME!"

"Listen Mai this is important, I'll explain when we arrive. But we need to leave," He says with urgency.

"Okay lets go."


In her surprise, Maisie arrived in front of her home. Draco grabbed her hands and explains what is happening.

"Its mum. She was...was attacked," He says with tears rolling down his face.

"What....Wha- how? Is she okay?" Maisie questions with worry.

"Mai, she's on her death bed..." He says between sobs.

In shock, Maisie zones out Draco's voice. Her breath shortens. Her mother was her best friend. Even though her mother hasn't been the same since the day of Maisie's arrangement, she knew it was her fathers doing.

Next thing she knew, she was standing beside her mother. As she stared, she noticed a women that was once filled with love, elegance and grace, is now filled with pain and coldness.

"Maisie, darling," Narcissa says weakly.


"Darling, I know I haven't been the best to you this past year, but I want you to know, I never wanted you to be arranged and I'm sorry I couldn't comfort you that night. You are the best daughter I could have hoped to have. Take care of Draco for me, and don't trust your father, ever. He casted me with Imperio just so then I couldn't defend you. I am just glad they arranged you with Mattheo, out of everyone but your brother, he is the one to be trusted. Marry him Mai. I love you my beautiful girl," She informs her daughter.

"I love you too mum, don't leave us please.... please," Maisie begs between sobs.

"I'm sorry darling, one last thing I must tell you. Get as far away from-"

"Mum? MUM! NO," Maisie screams as she watches her mother take her final breath.

Unable to speak, Maisie crumbles to the floor, holding on to her mothers hand. Draco hearing the screams, rushes into the room and is frozen in place as he saw the sight of his sister sobbing, holding on to his now deceased mothers hand.

Lucius walking in, is unfazed and rolled his eyes at his children's weakness.

"You wimps, you both disgust me."

"You know what, fuck you! Our mother, the only person who took care of us, loved us, has just died in front of us. How could you let this happen, what caused this? As her husband you should have protected her, oh wait, how could I forget, you are to much of a coward to take care of anyone but yourself," Maisie scoffs.

"You watch yourself, I will not tolerate any of this disrespect! Don't make me show you what happens when you disrespect me," Lucius counters.

"ENOUGH! Mai lets go," Draco says as he apparates Mai and himself back to Hogwarts.

Both siblings arrive in silence. Unable to speak of what happened, the siblings clung onto each other providing as much comfort as they could.

It took no time for the news to come out about Narcissa's untimely death. The witches and wizards in the wizarding world ruled it as an attack from Voldemort as a message to the Malfoys. However, the real killer of Narcissa Malfoy is someone no one could have expected.

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