Chapter 20

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This chapter contains sensitive matters, such as

- a suicide attempt

If this is something that is sensitive to you, please skip this chapter.

This chapter will also have multiple POVs  such as Maisie, Draco, and the Narrators. I would have done Mattheo, but we already know what he was doing, so... yeah, uh, enjoy.....?


♡ ~ Maisie ~ ♡

It's been two months since my mothers death. I hate shutting everyone out, I don't know why I did. I miss Draco and Pans. Ugh, I just hate the feeling of myself spiraling. I just don't want to hurt anyone. I already hurt Mattheo when all he wanted to do was help. He even said he loved me! Merlin, how stupid am I. 

I head towards the bathroom to freshen up. As I look in my mirror, I can't help but see everything wrong.

Why does everything bad always happen to me? Why is it me that breaks apart when things go wrong? Why was it my mother who died? She didn't deserve any of the things she went through. I can't help but think that it should have been me. I should have been the one to die.

Draco needed her, I needed her. They could have been capable of living without me, I mean..... they still can. Maybe I can see Mum again. Everyone won't need to try and care for me. I mean, Draco can finally be free, Mattheo can love someone else, Pansy has a whole life ahead of her....

No one really needs me here... right? I'm not that important. Yeah... yeah. No one needs me, I've always been insignificant. Draco has always been number one for everyone, and I don't blame him. He is the perfect Malfoy, as he should be. I'm proud to have had him as my brother... my other half.

~◇ Narrators POV ◇~

As she contemplates the act she is about to commit. She settles and grabs her wand that sits beside her. She placed her wand on her chest above her heart. The tears roll down her pale, sunken face. She sobs as the unbearable pain surges through her body.

"....... Mai?"

She stops for a quick second, hearing a familiar voice. She hears his footsteps turn into a run towards the bathroom door.

"MAISIE WHAT THE FUCK," Mattheo yells as he grabs and throws her wand across the bathroom.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT MAI! Wow that's a lot of blood uhhhhh.... DRACO GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!"

♧ ~ Draco ~ ♧

Well at least I tried to get her. I wish she would just eat something or talk to me. She knows she can always come to me. Great, now I have to deal with this assholes.

Thank God for Mattheo. Hopefully, he will have some more luck with her.

"Now we have some important things to discuss. Firstly, Lucius, get a hold of your daughter. Don't let this happen again," Voldemort threatened.

"Yes, my lord."

Now about Harry Potter, any updates pertaining to - "


The fuck, why is he yelling my name?

"May i be excused, my lord. This may be about my sister."

"Very well."

I rush out of the meeting, leaving the deatheaters unfazed. I head towards Maisie's room.

"Why are you yelling fo-"


~ ◇ Narrators POV ◇ ~

The two boys are now beside Maisie, trying to figure out how to help. Draco grabs his wand and points it towards Maisie's chest, while Mattheo goes and tries to hold her still. The spell Draco is about to enact is going to be very painful because of how deep her wound is.

"Mai, this is going to hurt," Draco warns as he starts to enact the spell.

Maisie's screams echoed throughout the entire Malfoy Manor. Once Draco finished, he hugged his sister and didn't want to let her go.

"Mai, I love you. Please stop trying to harm yourself. You are the most important person in my life. I already lost Mum, I can't lose you too," he says as tears roll down his face.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... just wanted to feel no more pain," she replied weakly.

"Maisie, I can't lose you. I know you don't love me back, but I love you, and I can't stand seeing you hurting. I know we were forced to be married, but I wouldn't want to marry anyone else, I'm delaying the wedding so you can have time to heal and get better. The pain will pass, your mother would want you and you Draco to live. Live a healthy, happy life. She is with you both, always. Mai, just look in the Mirror, you are basically a replica of your mum. I know the pain is unbearable, but you can't just give up. You need to prosper. If not for yourself, then for her," Mattheo preaches as he picks Maisie up and brings her towards her bed.

The boys lay next to her for comfort as she fell into a deep rest. Which is a side effect from the spell.

Draco fell asleep that night beside his sister, feeling guilt of how he should have stayed with her, no matter what she said. His number one job as her brother is to protect her, and this is the third time he failed.

Mattheo also fell asleep next to Maisie. He felt shocked at how he never knew she was capable of attempting to take her own life. He also felt guilty for not protecting her. He should have never left that room when he told her he loved her.

On the bright side, Maisie finally rested. Even though she almost took her life and is still in so much pain. She is at peace knowing the two men she cares for the most are by her side and won't be leaving.

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