Chapter 3

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As we enter the great hall, I'm hit with the smell of the food that's placed on the tables. I head towards a particularly rowdy group near the middle of the Slytherin table.

I look at the Hufflepuff table to see if Col is there. After lingering for a few more seconds I give up and continue walking towards the table.

As I sit between Theodore and Blaise the smell of shepherd's pie hits me immediately. I start grabbing some of the pie and pour myself a glass of pumpkin juice. As I look three seats down from me I overhear a duo's conversation.

"So what do you planning on wearing tonight? Who will you be taking?" I hear Millicent Bulstrode ask her best friend across from her.

"I'm planning on wearing a short pink dress that hugs my curves. Im going to ask Malfoy after dinner." I hear Astoria Greengrass reply.

*Dramatic Gasp*

"I didn't know you were going to ask me out? Merlin! I ruined the surprise didn't I." I say making a pouty face.

"Ugh shut up, who would ever want to ask you? You can't even get a guy to save your life. Who the bloody hell was talking to you!"

"For your information, I have a boyfriend not that it's any of your business and you would have one too if you didn't go around being easy. I'm only talking to you right now because there's no way I'm letting my brother go near a hoe." I say rolling my eyes, with my face giving off looks of disgust.

"Who's not going near a hoe?" I hear a my brother ask behind me.

"Oh hey Dray! I'm just telling Astoria here that you would rather not date someone that sleeps around." I say giving my older brother a playful grin.

"Ahhhh I see. Sorry Astoria, I'm going to have to decline that offer. You see, you aren't my type. I like a girl with a good personality who can put up a challenge." He says looking at Astoria.

She proceeds to scoff and get up, leaving the great hall with Millicent following right behind her while sending glares our way.

We both start laughing and Draco sits down next to Pansy. They are so cute. I would like to see my brother with Pansy. She is so sophisticated and kind. She is his type physically, emotionally, and mentally. They would rule the school honestly. Just like me and....

"MAISIE! Are you listening to what I'm saying?" Blaise asks me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No, sorry. I was just thinking about how cute Draco and Pansy would be."

"Okay? Well, anyways that's not important. What do you plan on wearing tonight?"

"Why is everyone talking about the party? We have one every weekend!"

"And?! It's a party none the less." Blaise says raising his finger up into the air dramatically.

We both start laughing and continue to
enjoy the food in front of us.


Once lunch is over Pansy, Blaise, and I start walking toward the dungeons. As we're walking, I start to feel uneasy.

Uncertain as to why I feel this way I start to look around me and the feeling only grows.

"Mai, you good?" Blaise says noticing the change in the way I'm walking immediately.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's just hurry up and get ready."

Once we arrive, Blaise heads straight to my bathroom and takes a shower, while Pansy goes to get dressed. I go over to my dresser and get my makeup bag. I then head to the body-length mirror in the corner of the dorm.

I start adding some light blush to give some color to my pale skin. I then add some highlighter, mascara, and black graphic eyeliner to bring out my silver eyes. Finally, I add some red lipstick to make the makeup pop.

I look over to see Pansy in the most gorgeous dark green dress. It fits her figure perfectly showing every curve and the bust she has without showing anything at the same time.

"Damn Pans! You look like a goddess! If I wasn't into guys I'd be all over you!" I exclaimed to her.

"Awww thanks Mai!" She says with a light shade of pink rushing to her face.

Blaise walks out of the bathroom with black pants and a plain dark green shirt.

"Wow really showing you're a Slytherin huh, Blaise." I say while me and Pansy start laughing.

"Shut up. Like you said earlier, we have a party every weekend and I ran out of attractive clothes."

"We are just messing with you Blaise, you are the definition of good looking, you will be fine."

"Whatever." he says while playfully rolling his eyes.

I go to my closet and pick a dress my mother sent me. I head towards the bathroom and get changed.

When I look in the mirror, I see the way the dress fits me. The dress is satin, the most beautiful shade of black with off the shoulder sleeves. It fits my hourglass figure perfectly and fits in all the right places. I've never felt prettier.

I walk out of the bathroom with gasps from Blaise, Pansy, brother?

"Sis you look bloody amazing!"

"Thank you Dray, but when did you arrive?"

"Oh, I asked Pansy if she'd like me to go to the party with her so I came to pick her up early. I want to get there before everyone takes all the good drinks."

"Oh, okay see you there then."

Once they leave I look at Blaise and smile. I tell Blaise that I'll meet him there. I have somewhere to go first.


I start heading towards the Hufflepuff common room. I pat the drums in the correct pattern and walk in.

I see multiple Hufflepuff's wave at me since they are used to me coming in here. I knock on Col's door and receive no answer.

"Alohorma" I say pointing my wand to his door.

I open it to hear the shower running. I sigh and sit on his bed waiting for him to finish. I hear the water stop and the curtains open. After a few minutes, he comes out in an all black formal outfit.

"Hello darling, you ready?"

"Si, mi tesoro."

He walks up to me, places a quick kiss on my lips and interlocks our hands.

"You look stunning. Why so formal?"

"I could ask you the same thing" I say back playfully.

He just chuckles and starts heading towards the door, holding it open for me to go first. I gladly accept his kind gesture and start walking towards the room of requirement with Col by my side.

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