Chapter 16

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~ Narrators POV ~

It's been about two months since Maisie put her plan into action. After lots of sacrifices, she finally gained the golden trio's trust. After tons of tests and trials they put her through, she succeeded. She even grew close to one person in particular, the one and only Harry Potter.

 She sees all the pain and suffering he goes through and relates. However, she needs to stick to the plan. She has one more task she needs to complete, having Umbridge find out. Carefully, she figured out that Hermione put a spell on the paper, causing whoever snitches to have boils on their face, distorting them. 

So, on one eventful Tuesday noon, she lured not one but two Ravenclaw girls to an empty classroom, using the imperio spell.

"Marietta Edgecombe, what's the plan and Cho, what is ur play?" Maisie asked with a grin.

"Go to Umbridge and bring light about D.A," Edgecombe monotonously states.

"I'll then go and lead her to where the meetings are being held," Cho adds.

"Good... good. Now go... NOW!" Maisie yelled with frustration.


After the D.A. was discovered, Maisie apparated away and waiting for the trio's return. Feeling a bit guilty, Maisie went to clear her head.

After questioning her morality, an unexpected visitor shows up....

"Maisie, what are you doing?"

"Mattheo? I.. I didn't expect to see u here," she replied in shock.

Sitting beside her staring at the beautiful sunset before them, he contemplates the mixed signals they sent to one another these past months.

"Maisie, are you over Nicholas?"

"I... I'm moving on, I guess... It's hard seeing him with Astoria... but uh yeah, I guess I am," Maisie realizes.

"You interested in anyone else?" Mattheo asks as he slowly moves his hands towards her.

Her breath hitches as he grabs her hand, interlocking them.

"Well, why u wanna know?" She counters as she leans in a bit.

"Just curious."

"Well, you can stay curious," Maisie states as she stands to leave.

Before she can get away, Mattheo grabs her hand, pulling her to turn, causing her body to clash into his.

"Mai," he whispers as he uses his other hand to gently bring her chin up to look at him. Sliding his other around her waist.

"You know perfectly why I'm curious," he continues, looking at her soft pink lips.

At this moment Maisie can't fathom the amount of butterflies roaring in her stomach.

"What am I thinking? I hated this guy for years. Well I liked him for more..... NO! We just started getting close friends... I can't do this.. not now.." Maisie contemplates in her head.

As Mattheo leans in, Maisie tries to resist, but she found herself leaning in too.

As their lips almost touched-

"MAIIIIII WHERE ARE YOU! OH SHIT-" Pansy states as she stumbles upon the sight in front of her.

"Uhhhhhhhh, was I interrupting something here..." she continues with a smirk.

"NO... uh nooo... not at all Pans, you know what u just reminded me of.... that we have transfiguration homework! Yeah! Got to go!" Mai states. Speed walking away from the awkward predicament she found herself in.

Mattheo glares at Pansy as she awkwardly smiles.


"UGHHHH!" Maisie yelled in frustration as she slides down the corridors wall.

As she sits being dramatic and emotional she hears a distant sob.

She quietly walks down the corridor and makes a left into a dimly lit hallway. Her face falls in worry as she sees who is crying.

"Harry? You alright?"

"Maisie!? Oh uh yes I'm alright," he states as he sniffles. Wiping away his tears.

"Harry, you can talk to me you know. I know we have had lots of troubles but I thought we were pass that," she slides down the wall beside him, putting her hand on his arm.

"Its... my godfather... Sirius.. he was killed in front of me today," he sadly opens up.

"Oh... oh merlin! Harry I'm so sorry."

As much as Maisie wanted to fake being worried for Harry, she couldn't. They really grew as close friends during her mission and all she is thinking about is how she can help comfort him.

"I don't really want to talk about it. Thanks for trying to comfort me though. Enough about me I need a distraction. What's going on with you? Why do you look so distraught?"

"Well I just want to help you Harry. This conversation should not be about me. Your godfather just died. We should be talking about you and I need to comfort you."

"Maisie, please I just need a distraction," Harry pleads.


As they sit in the dim hallway, Maisie explains her conflicting feeling for Mattheo.

She explains how she is in an arranged marriage with him. Has started feeling things. But doesn't want to fall for him in a way that she will get broken again, like how she did with Nicholas.

"Mai, you should take the risk. Listen you will never know how things will turn out unless you try. Now he is my enemy's son, so that's not something I approve of, but you are already arranged to him and why not give it a chance. You guys are getting married in three more months whether you like it or not," Harry shares.

"You are right, Thank you Harry."

"Of course! That's what friends are for."


AHHHH guys I finally updateddd!!! Sorry for taking a long ass time. I've had massive writers block and gotten into some things. I will not be able to update as frequently as I would like but I will try my best. There is a slight slow burn with Maisie and Mattheo, but who knows... everything can change with a hit of a button.... Miss and love you all! Enjoyyyyy!

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