Chapter 6

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I take her hand in mine and apparate to the Malfoy Manor.


I feel Mattheo apparate and bring me to my home. He carries me inside the house and over to The Drawing Room, shaking me slightly.

"Listen Malfoy you have to snap out of it. My father called us for a meeting and told me to bring you as well. Now act bloody normal!"

"Why do you care if I act normal or not? Why would your father ask me here? I'm not a death eater yet." I say calmly. Slowly leaving my shocked state.

"If I had known do you think I would be as concerned as I am now?" He says getting a bit more aggravated. "Go freshen up. Nobody wants to see you looking filthy, covered in blood."

I roll my eyes at him and start heading up the flight of stairs. I then realize he said concerned. Why would he be concerned for me? After some walking, I finally reach my room.

I open my door with ease. My place. The only place I feel in control of. Seeing my plants hung around my room, and my calming emerald silk sheets makes me smile.

I head towards my bathroom and take a quick shower. I shake off what happened earlier and think about why the dark lord summoned everyone.

Once finished, I head into my walk-in closet. I always have my clothes in colored order so I head towards the back. I pick out a flowy black dress with off-the-shoulder long sleeves.

I put on some black heels and head to my dresser. I put on a minimal amount of makeup and dry my hair with a simple spell.

I leave my room and head downstairs.

"I'm ready, let's enter."

"Okay then."

He opens the door allowing me to go through first. I immediately flinch once seeing my father. I start to pick at my nails and look down. Everyone else also starts to arrive, apparating to their seats.

I can feel Mattheo get confused as to why I stopped suddenly. I get out of my thoughts and take a seat next to my father.

"Glad you decided to finally join us, Maisie." Voldemort says staring straight at me.

"Glad to be here, my lord."

He then looks away from me and starts talking.

"So I'm glad you all left your missions to listen to the announcement I'm about to make. As you know, the Malfoys are one of the richest and most respected Purebloods in this society. The Riddles, my son, and I are the most feared, dangerous, and powerful dark family.
Together we would be the most powerful and feared family in all of the Wizardry World! Which is why I am proud to announce that Lucius and I will be bringing our families together...... by marrying Maisie and Mattheo!"

My heart stops. I zone out the rest of what he is announcing.

What in the Bloody Merlin Balls is he talking about! I already have Col, I don't want to be with anyone else, especially if it's Mattheo! He has to be joking.

Mother promised me that she would not arrange me with anyone, she even told me she would convince father. Oh, that son of a bitch!

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