Chapter 8

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Someone's POV

"That scumbag! Won't he really save his sister?!" The mysterious guy angrily said after looking at his wristwatch.

He grin and look at the terrified girl that's tied up on the chair. He walks towards her and Yumi felt chills all over her body. He touch her face while grinning widely.

"Hmm... Looks like no one will come to save you princess. Oh well, guess I'll just taste you then."

Yumi's eyes widened in horror and tried avoiding her gaze from him.

"She's quite the catch boss!"

"Don't forget about us boss! We want to taste her as well."

Yumi's heart won't stop on beating rapidly from being terrified of what the men are saying. They are so many of them that she can't count them all.

Yumi's tears finally starts pouring when the gang leader starts on unbuckling her blouse. She yelled but no words came out from her mouth that's have a tape on. The men laughs at her desperate look.

'Somebody help'


Everyone stop and went silent when someone kick the door and a familiar figure coming in.

"Oh so you came after all Bryle." The unknown guy stated while smirking then walks away from the terrified Yumi.

Bryle glance at Yumi coldly before turning his gaze on the leader.

"Is this how low and weak you are Tyson? Capturing a weak creature just to blackmail me?" Bryle teased then laugh.

Tyson gritted his teeth and looked at him with his sharp gaze.

"Kill him!" Tyson yelled and his men quickly did what he ordered.

Yumi's heart keeps on pounding fast in worried for the sake of Bryle.

'What does he think he's doing?! He's outnumbered they are many of them!'

Yumi's POV



I want to shout his name when the so-called Tyson swoosh his bat and it hit Bryle on his head.



It's been an hour already and it's quite obvious that Bryle is already exhausted but he still kept on fighting. He manage to beat more than a half of them but these people are just too many!

'Bryle... Why did you came?'

"You look so pathetic Bryle! Hahahaha."

I flinch when Tyson kicked Bryle on his stomach hard that made him fall in to his knees. He then kick his face while laughing.

'Please stop! Bryle is already bleeding to death!'

My eyes widened in horror when Tyson pulled out a gun and point it in Bryle.



"This is for my sister." Tyson coldly said.

I can't bare to watch so i shut my eyes. I feel like my heart stopped on beating when i heard a gunshot. I keeps on sobbing hard when i suddenly heard a loud groan and a familiar voice.

"Don't dare mess with with my family."


I couldn't utter a word and just stared at Lux that's pointing his gun on Tyson that's covering his shoulder that's bleeding. I saw Niki pulled Bryle and cary him to his back. I stared in disbelief as i stared at the multiple men that's covering us.

"You're the only one left." Niki stated while grinning darkly.

I roam my eyes and he's right. All of Tyson's men are all knock down.

"This isn't over yet!" Tyson angrily yelled and was about to pulled the trigger when police men suddenly barge in.


Someone's POV


It's been how many hours since that unknown number contacted Bryle but he just continued playing billiard but his mind is on Yumi. A memory came rushing on his mind when his parents are still alive.

"Bryle you're the youngest boy but you're a tough young man. Protect our princess at all cost, okay little man?"

His dad stated and the young Bryle nodded with a big smile on his face.

"Yes dad, I'll protect princess forever."

Little Bryle seriously replied that made his dad smiled.


Bryle pulled out his phone and called his brothers.

On the other hand, Niki and Lux are just talking casually when Lux phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and he furrowed when he saw who's calling.

"Where the hell are you Bryle?" Lux asked in his irritated tone.

"(Yumi has been kidnapped by Tyson)" Bryle exclaimed that made Lux froze before he clench his fist.

"(I'll go there first, there's only a few minutes left)"

Lux was about to talk back when Bryle suddenly hang up. His phone vibrated, it was a message from Bryle. Lux curse while Niki is just watching him the whole time.

"What's wrong?" Niki asked in confusion.

Lux looked at him darkly.

"Yumi has been kidnapped by Tyson's gang." Lux seriously said that made him froze.

"I'll call our gang and go to the place that Bryle sent me."

"I'll go with you." Niki firmly said and started removing his dextrose.

Lux looked at him in confusion.

'Since when did he cared about Yumi?'

"I'll go for Bryle not for anyone else." Niki exclaimed and it's like he read Lux mind.

"No, you're not fine yet--"

"You can't stop me Lux." Niki coldly said and Lux just sigh.

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