Chapter 1 (Day 1)

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Yumi's POV


I stop washing the dishes when i heard my name being called.

I went towards my four brothers that's eating together... without me.

"Yes?" I asked and wipe my wet hands on the apron that I'm wearing.

"Clean this entire house after you're done with the dishes. My friends are coming later." Niki said without looking at me.

He's three years older than me.

"Yes, is there anything else?" I smiled while watching them eating. They didn't even laid a glance at me.

"Just make sure that my friends won't see your horrible face." —Niki

I bitterly smiled and nodded before turning my back and walk away.

"Guys let's go to a bar tomorrow."

I heard my two years older brother Bryle said and their laughters afterward. He have a twin brother, Lux.

"She's nothing but a bug in my eyes."

I sigh and and smiled bitterly on what Lux said. It's my fault anyway... Our parents died because of me...

'When will i ever feel that i belong in this family? I wish that before i die i would feel that they treat me as their sister... Not their slave.'

' I still have 30 days to live, including today. I'll spend my remaining time with my brothers. They would be relief and be more happier when I'm gone anyway. '

The thought of it sting my heart. I have an end age heart failure, i only have one month before I'll die.


I sigh when my stomach grumbled. I haven't ate since yesterday 'cause of too much work. I'm currently 17 and one week from now I'll turn 18. I'm homeschooled because my brothers suddenly dropped me out in school to take care of the house and them.

(Time Skip)

"Where is it?!"

I wipe my tears and continued searching my necklace that my mom gave me on my 10th birthday.

"I'm sure i put it just right here!"

I frustratedly mess my hair. The necklace that my mom gave me is gone! I don't wear it and just put it on my bed side table 'cause i don't want to lose it. And now its missing!

"I'll ask my brothers."

I was about to open my door when i remembered that my brothers are having a party at the pool.

"I can't go there... My brothers will get mad at me."

'But my necklace...'

I clench my fist and went towards the pool area.

Loud banging sounds...

Unfamiliar people wearing their swimwear...

I stiff when i saw my brother Lux kissing an unfamiliar girl. I suddenly felt embarrassed and took a step back. But then i clench my fist and decided to walk towards them.

"U-um e-excuse me."

I tried my best to be brave and cover my heart that's beating fast out of nervousness.

The two of them still continued kissing, seems like they didn't heard me much more like didn't noticed my presence.

"E-excuse me Lux!" I made my voice louder and they finally noticed me.

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